Access the final program as a .PDF download – ThreeDayProgramISTAS13
Main Events
On June 27, proceedings began at Hart House, historic center of culture at the University of Toronto, for the opening talks starting at 9:00am. On June 28,29, we moved to the Bahen Centre, a central hub for University of Toronto’s Engineering Faculty, one of the leading engineering research institutions worldwide.
Additional Events
June 26 – Cyborg flashmob. 9:00pm at the Deconism Gallery, 330 Dundas St. West. (follow social media to track and join this event! #istas13 in Twitter)
June 27 – Cocktails Evening: for Press/Exhibitors/Patrons/Keynote/Invited/Plenary Speakers. Hart House upstairs debates room, 7:00pm. Sponsored by
June 28 – Conference Banquet: We all returned to the ornate Great Hall of Hart House, for the main conference banquet, featuring Gordon Bell, of Microsoft Research. Banquet begins at 7:00pm.
June 29 – Sousveillance Tour of Toronto: Relaxing tour of the city for all attendees; a walking tour through Toronto city. Images from that event can be accessed via Flickr.