Dear IDC members,

We’re happy to share with you the following message by Prof. Konstantinos Gyftakis, General Chair of IEEE SDEMPED 2023.

Best regards,

IEEE IAS Industrial Drives Committee

Dear respected colleagues,

We are honoured to invite you to participate in the upcoming 14th Edition of the IEEE Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives 2023 (IEEE SDEMPED 2023). 

The IEEE SDEMPED (running since 1997) is the only international symposium entirely devoted to the diagnostics of electrical machines, power electronics and drives. It is co-sponsored by the IEEE PELS, IEEE IES and IEEE IAS.

The IEEE SDEMPED 2023 will take place in Chania (Crete), Greece between 28-31 August 2023. The page of the conference is can be accessed by following the link:

Please mind the following important dates:

·     1 December 2022 – The submission system for papers will be officially OPEN (Instructions for authors:

·     31 January 2023 – Deadline for proposing Special Sessions and Tutorials

·     15 March 2023 – Deadline for submitting papers

·     31 May 2023 – Paper acceptance notification

·     30 June 2023 – Final submission of accepted papers

At this stage, we are inviting you to submit proposals for tutorials and special sessions. 

The tutorial and special session proposals submission deadline is the 31st of January 2023, while the decisions will take no more than a month to be released. 

Please submit your proposals to the following email address:

Detailed instructions and documentation on how to prepare your proposals are provided on the SDEMPED 2023 website:

We will provide more information in the following weeks. However, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at the following email: or forward your inquiries directly to me (

Let’s make this conference a fruitful, enjoyable and rewarding event! 

Best regards

Konstantinos Gyftakis

General Chair of the 14th IEEE SDEMPED 2023