The following subcommittees are developing plans and activities in support of the mission of the IAS Electrical Safety Committee. For additional information or if you have interest in becoming involved with a subcommittee, contact the subcommittee chair. If the subcommittee chair position is vacant, contact the Electrical Safety Committee chair listed on the ESafeC homepage.
Occupational Health and Safety
Chair: Rene’ Graves
- Engage occupational safety and health professionals from all disciplines and industries.
- Develop mechanisms to broaden the electrical knowledge of those working in the occupational safety and health profession.
- Seek out new and useful information and knowledge related to electrical safety from all industry segments.
Chair: Eric Campbell
- Engage individuals involved in construction activities from all disciplines and industries to get individuals from these organizations involved in all aspects of electrical safety.
- Communicate the advantages of proactive, positive, engaged and participation at the Electrical Safety Workshop by all segments of the construction industry.
- Promote the inclusion of leading edge abstracts for papers, focus sessions and tutorials across a very wide range of construction sectors using today’s best practices.
International Development
Chair: Marcelo Valdes
- Engage individuals worldwide to be involved in all aspects of electrical safety.
- Implement initiatives designed to increase the value of the ESW for them.
- Seek out new and useful information and knowledge related to electrical safety from all regions.
- Disseminate this information to committee members.
- Encourage the participation of individuals and companies worldwide in activities of the Electrical Safety Committee.
Industry Segment Development
Chair: Kristin Zaloudek
- Engage individuals from all disciplines in all segments of industry to get individuals from these organizations involved in all aspects of electrical safety.
- Implement initiatives designed to increase the value of the ESW for these organizations.
- Seek out new and useful information and knowledge related to electrical safety in different industry segments.
Academic Development
Chair: Afshin Majd
- Engage individuals including students or instructors in all aspects of electrical safety, and related standards.
- Implement initiatives designed to increase the value of the ESW for the subcommittee members.
- Seek out new and useful information and knowledge related to electrical safety standards, and guidelines which can be taught in academia.
- Find opportunities to use academia to spread information and knowledge related to the electrical safety workshop to students and others.
Early Career Development
Chair: Brad Kelley
- Develop and implement methods to increase and maintain participation in committee activities by individuals who are students or are early in their professional careers.
- Provide guidance for improvements to the overall effort for future years.
- Develop methods to encourage this audience to attend and become involved in the ESW.
- Work in conjunction with the Academic Development Subcommittee.
Government, Regulator, Inspectors and Laboratory Subcommittee
Chair: Jennifer Martin
- Engage with individuals, groups or organizations in governments, regulators, inspectors and laboratories for the purpose of increasing the reach and influence of the committee.
- Get these sectors involved in all aspects of electrical safety.
- Implement initiatives designed to increase the value of the ESW for them.
- Seek out new and useful information and knowledge related to electrical safety from these groups.
- Determines the best method to disseminate this information through the Electrical Safety Committee.
- Encourage and solicit the participation of individuals from these groups and organizations from all regions of the world in activities of the Electrical Safety Committee.
Technical Program Subcommittee
Chair: Mark Scott
- Oversee the solicitation, development, selection and presentation of technical information presented at the ESW.
- Provide guidance for improvements of the overall effort for future years.
- Ensure that tutorials, focus sessions and technical presentations complement each other.
- Ensure that the technical program of the ESW fulfills its mission.
Paper Review
Chair: Zarheer Jooma
- Oversee the technical review of information presented at the ESW, for the purpose of evaluating the accuracy and the value as reference or source material in the future.
- Recommend the selection of the various materials and information for publication and recognition.
Publicity and Media Subcommittee
Chair: Tim Rohrer
- Develop methods to promote and advertise the committee and the ESW through various media outlets, social media and other avenues available.
- Engage others with promotional structures in place for other purposes to develop partnerships to realize mutual benefit for both organizations.
- Maintain the committee website and oversee the ESW website.
Historical and Records
Chair: Lanny Floyd
- Develop and maintain historical materials and information of the life and evolution of the committee and the ESW.
- Information is to be kept on the committee website.
- Encourage individuals and companies who have supported the committee or the ESW to submit memories.
Chair: Lloyd Gordon
- Manage codes and standards activities conducted at the current year workshop whether sponsored by this committee or another committee of IAS.
- Lead the effort to initiate, develop and publish codes and standards sponsored by the IAS Electrical Safety Committee.
- Approach other codes and standards working groups sponsored by IAS to meet at the annual ESW, where the goal of that code or standard is to reduce electrical injuries.
IAS Committee Relations
Chair: Matthew Hussey
- Engage individuals and leadership of other IAS committees and subcommittees for the purpose of increasing the reach and influence of the committee.
- To get individuals from other IAS committees involved in all aspects of electrical safety and to implement initiatives designed to increase the value of the ESW for these groups.
Facilities and Finance
Chair: Stephen Wilson
- Oversee the logistics and financial matters related to hotels, meeting/eating/sleeping spaces, for the current year workshop.
- Negotiate contracts for meeting planners and registration.
- Develop and manage logistics and financial matters for future workshops.
- Manage and coordinate financial issues with IEEE and IAS.
- Encourage local IEEE sections to become involved in the ESW when it is in their geographical areas.
Awards and Recognition
Chair: David Durocher
- Manage the presentation of awards and recognition of individuals and groups at the annual ESW.
- Engage members of the committee to nominate worthy individuals for the committee awards.
- Provide guidance for improvements to the overall effort for future years.
- Work with the ESW committees to determine individuals who should be recognized for their presentations at the previous ESW.
ESW Subcommittee
Chair: Scott Seaver
- Plans, organizes, and runs the annual ESW.
- Specific duties of the ESW Subcommittee and its members are outlined in the ESW Operating Manual.
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