To All IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter members,
As you may know, the IEEE Hong Kong Section is undergoing a reformation and the process will take time. In this difficult time, the Executive Committee of our chapter approved that the 2018 AGM is to be skipped and the current office will continue to serve until the AGM is to be held. For our members’ information, the office duration has been changed to 2 year since 2018, in order to align with the MGA manual and IEEE bylaw. In other words, the nomination/election of Executive Committee officers will be held bi-annually.
According to the interim section officers, the interim Hong Kong Section will hold an (Extraordinary General Meeting) EGM in end of May and it is possible that we will have a joint section and chapters’ AGM at the end of 2019. In the meantime, The nomination and election will be postponed to the year end too. Please stay tuned with us for updates. Thank you.
Jeff K.T. Tang
Chairman, IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter
29th Apr 2019