“Career Days” Workshop–Thessaloniki–Greece

The event is following the tradition of similar events for more than 12 years now, and it will be focused
on career opportunities for Electrical and Computer Eng. students and students of related curriculum (Dept. of Informatics and Dept. of  Physics).
It is organized on December 16-17, 2024, from 09.00 to 18.00.

There will be several speakers from the industry in Greece and abroad, which will describe the current situation and the existing work and internship opportunities for the students.
The event is organized by the IEEE Student branch of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the IEEE Greece CASS/ SSCS joint Chapter.

Report on Distinguished Lecturer Program Event– Prof. Ahmed Madian

The recent event (11 December 2024) to host Professor Ahmed Madian, IEEE CASS Distinguished Lecturer was a great success. These event not only showcased the vibrancy of the IEEE community in Greece but also highlighted the active engagement of students, young professionals, faculty, and industry members.
Prof. Ahmed Madian have give his talk online under title “ Bio-impedance Modeling of Plants”
In his talk, he addressed the bio-impedance non-invasive measurement techniques usage is rapidly increasing in the agriculture industry. These measured impedance variations reflect tacit biochemical and biophysical changes of living and non-living tissues. Bio-impedance circuit modeling is an effective solution used in biology and medicine to fit the measured impedance.
Bio-impedance measurements are used in the diagnosis of plants behavior to certain conditions such as fruit maturity, fruit ripening, analyzing the effect of heating and freezing conditions on fruits, measuring of root growth, and determining the water content and characteristic analysis of the root zone. Also, it is used to provide information about environmental change effect on fruits. There are other contributions in using bio-impedance measurements for different applications such as blood glucose measurement, monitoring insulin availability for personalized diabetes therapy, characterizing red blood cell micro-circulatory parameters, and tactile sensing bio-hybrid soft E-skin in soft robotics.
This talk demonstrates the different bio-impedance plant electrical models, measurement methodology and optimization technique suitable for solutions. Extract the best circuit parameters circuit for the model that fit the experimental results via different optimization techniques from mathematical point of view to choose the best performance versus the complexity of the used algorithms.
After talk he handled a lot of questions from attendees and the session ended with thanks for all members and attendees.
A total number of 60 attendees, mainly including under and post-graduate students from Greek Universities, have been participated in this event.

IEEE CASS Distinguished Lecturer Program–Prof. Ahmed Madian

This talk demonstrates the different bio-impedance plant electrical models, measurement methodology and optimization technique suitable for solutions. Extract the best circuit parameters circuit for the model that fit the experimental results via different optimization techniques from mathematical point of view to choose the best performance versus the complexity of the used algorithms.

AUTH student educational trip to European Space Agency (ESA), and the Universities of Delft and Eindhoven

Together with the IEEE Student Branch of Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki we have organized a visit to European Space Agency (ESA), in Noordwijk, the Netherlands and the Universities of Delft and Eindhoven in November 4-7, 2024. The visit was a great opportunity for our students.
Both Universities are leading Institutions in basic and applied research and education in Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering and the visit has offered a great experience for our students. The students followed a number of lectures on research topics related to the visited labs. Also,  the experience of the visit in ESA in Noordwijk was quite impressive as we had the opportunity to have a close look at various labs and to learn a lot of things about space mission preparations.
IEEE Greece CAS-SSC joint Chapter financially supported in part the trip.

Report on Distinguished Lecturer Program Event– Prof. Emre Salman

1.   Detail the title and the time of the lecture

Thermal-Centric Design Methodologies for Monolithic 3D Integrated Circuits

Tuesday 15/10 at 12:00pm

2.  Brief Description

The talk was delivered on time and was well received by a mixed audience including senior undergraduate students as well as graduate students including both MSc students and PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty members from three different Departments of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The speaker discussed the pressing issues in semiconductor industry that has led to the exploration of 3D technologies. He also introduced monolithic 3D (M3D) ICs and presented how this technology can achieve unprecedented device and interconnect density due to sequential fabrication of multiple device tiers and vertical interconnects with diameters in the range of tens of nanometers. Prof Salman went on to discuss the unique thermal characteristics of M3D ICs, describing the major differences with through silicon via (TSV) based 3D ICs. These results rely on thermal simulations of M3D systems by leveraging a process design kit and cell library that we developed. He also presented a thermal-centric design optimization methodology for M3D integrated deep neural network (DNN) accelerators and demonstrated how technology-dataflow co-design can achieve an order of magnitude improvement in inference per second per Watt per footprint. The talk concluded with some important take away messages and a round of questions followed the talk. The feedback from the audience was the most positive and all participants stated that they enjoyed the talk as well as the quality and organization of the presented material. In a nutshell, the talk was at the right level for the audience to follow the talk while at the same time offering stimuli for further investigation to interested students and researchers.

3. Number of attendees

Call for Proposals Seasonal Schools in Circuits and Systems (SSCAS) Round Three

Dear CASS Members,

We are soliciting round three proposals for the Seasonal Schools in Circuits and Systems (SSCAS) in 2024. The targeted audiences are research students, early-stage researchers, and practitioners with a background in circuits and systems. CAS Emerging topics and topics that complement those in published e-books will be prioritized.
CASS will provide funding support of up to $5,000 USD for each accepted proposal. This year, fully virtual SSCASs are also allowed, but the funding support is limited to $2,000 USD for each fully virtual school.
The proposal should be prepared following the guidelines below and submitted by 28 August 2024 to the web form, here.
The Seasonal Schools should be planned to occur between July and December 2024.

Submit Your Proposal Here


This seasonal school covers variety of topics related to fundamentals, ongoing research and future trends related to Non-Volatile Memories for logic in Memory computing as well as Neuromorphic Computing Applications. Experts from National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University-Singapore, Fraunhofer IPMS-Germany, CNRS France, University of Tennessee-United Kingdom, University of Sheffield-United Kingdom, Queen’s University-Canada, University of Edinburgh- United Kingdom, IBM Research Zurich. – Switzerland and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur – India.

More detail is available here.

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