IEEE CHILECON 2023, Valdivia


Valdivia, capital of Los Rios Region.

How to get there / Cómo llegar

Valdivia can be reached by plane from Santiago. It does not have an international airport so attendants from abroad should connect their flights via Santiago.

Valdivia can also be reached by bus from most major cities in Chile. It also has international bus connections to San Carlos de Bariloche and San Martín de los Andes in Argentina.

Map of Valdivia from the Los Ríos Convention Bureau’s website.

Conference venue / Recinto de la conferencia

The IEEE ChileCon 2023 will be held in the Club de la Unión, Valdivia. It was founded in 1853 and it moved to its current location by the Plaza de la República in 1924.

Useful links / Enlaces útiles

Lodging / Alojamiento

Several lodging alternatives can be found at the Los Ríos Convention Bureau’s webpage.

Some hotels and hostels in Valdivia are offering discounts for people attending IEEE ChileCon 2023. When booking ask if the lodging has discounts.

*Disclaimer: IEEE ChileCon 2023, its organizers and collaborators are not affiliated with any lodging provider. Any situation or issue should be resolved directly with the provider or thorough proper channels.

Tourism / Turismo

Some recommendations if you are planning to stay a bit longer.