Chapter Board

Chapter officers are elected from volunteers at our annual board meeting, and serve one term.

Current Officers and volunteers are:

ChairmanRay ProtichDiamond Technical Services
Vice ChairmanDaniel HorbaczewskiDiamond Technical Services
TreasurerMike MonteTYLin | Greeley and Hansen
SecretaryJoshua HarrisInvenergy
Membership ChairVacant
WebmasterTed KlobaCDM Smith

To volunteer, you must meet the following IEEE Officer Qualifications:

  • IEEE Membership must be current (membership dues must be paid) upon entering office, and must be maintained throughout term of office;
  • Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade;
  • membership in the geographic unit in which office is to be held;
  • Chapter officers, in addition to the above requirements, must also have and maintain membership in the Chapter’s Society.  In the case of Joint Chapters, membership in any (1) of the Societies is sufficient;
  • the volunteer shall not have served in any one position, in any single organizational unit, more than six years total.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming an officer.  The responsibilities of each position are:

Section OfficerDuties
ChairRepresent their Section at the Chapter meetings. If the Chapter Chair cannot attend, they are responsible for ensuring that another officer attends in their place.
Hold at least two meeting per year.
File Section officer list with Chapter.
Provide leadership of Section Activities and Calendar.
Vice ChairAct as Chair when Chair cannot, including attending monthly Chapter meetings.
Support the Chair in leadership of Section Activities and Calendar.
Lead organization and execution of Saturday Seminar
SecretaryFile IEEE meeting attendance reports for meetings.
Maintain membership list and sends out email notifications.
Calls for officer nominations.
Arranges for meeting room reservations and snacks as required.
TreasurerFile annual financial report with the IEEE.
Manage banking accounts and financial documentation.
Manage collection of revenue, pay bills, and provide receipts.
WebmasterUpdate website with Section and meeting information.
Maintain meeting archives and current officers list.