Planetary Defense using Hypervelocity Penetrators – 20 MARCH @ 6PM
“Planetary Defense using Hypervelocity Penetrators”
Philip Lubin PhD UCSB Physics Deepspace
In-Person Location – Rusty’s Pizza 5934 Calle Real, Goleta, CA 93117
6:00 PM – Complimentary Pizza, Salad, Beverage
6:25 PM – Central Coast Status
6:30 PM – Philip Lubin Presents
Please join us on March 20th when Dr. Philip Lubin will speak about his study on directed energy propulsion for exploring other worlds as well as in protecting the Earth from asteroids, and comets in his talk “Planetary Defense using Hypervelocity Penetrators”. Guests are welcome. Please Register Yourself and Guests via the Register Link below. Note Attendance Type: In-Person or Virtual.
Best regards, Ruth Franklin IEEE Central Coast Chair
Link to Register Yourself and Guests
“Planetary Defense using Hypervelocity Penetrators”
Bio: Philip Lubin is a professor of Physics at UC Santa Barbara whose primary research has been focused on studies of the early universe in the millimeter wavelengths bands, applications of directed energy for planetary defense and propulsion and multi-modal planetary defense using hypervelocity penetrators. His group has designed, developed and fielded more than two dozen ground based and balloon borne missions and helped develop two major cosmology satellites. Among other accomplishments his group first detected the horizon scale fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background from both their South Pole and balloon borne systems in 1991 and their latest results, along with an international team of ESA and NASA researchers, are from the Planck cosmology mission which have mapped in exquisite detail the structures of the early universe. He is a co-I on the Planck mission. His group has worked on applications of directed energy systems for a wide variety of applications including fast solar systems missions, lunar applications and future largescale systems for planetary defense and systems to allow small interstellar probes to achieve relativistic speeds. His group has worked on a variety of planetary defense applications including recent hypervelocity penetrator mitigation using both passive and active (explosive) penetrators. He is co-recipient of the 2006 Gruber Prize in Cosmology along with the COBE science team for their groundbreaking work in cosmology as well as the 2018 Gruber Prize in Cosmology along with the Planck science team for their determination of fundamental cosmological parameter. He has published more than 500 papers. Education: UC Berkeley Ph.D. 1976-80 (Physics), UC Berkeley A.B. 1975 (Physics), A.B. 1975 (Mathematics), Harvard 1975-76 (Physics). Website: