VIRTUAL: Eight Key Ideas in Computer Architecture from Eight Decades of Innovation 17 March @ 6:30PM
Professor Behrooz Parhami, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and IEEE Central Coast Education Chair, will honor us with his lecture, “Eight Key Ideas in Computer Architecture from Eight Decades of Innovation”
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Eight Key Ideas in Computer Architecture from Eight Decades of Innovation
Abstract: Computer architecture became an established discipline when the stored-program concept was incorporated into bare-bones computers of the 1940s. Since then, the field has seen multiple minor and major innovations in each decade. I will present my pick of the most important innovation in each of the eight decades, from the 1940s to the 2010s, and show how these ideas, when connected to each other and allowed to interact and cross-fertilize, produced the phenomenal growth of computer performance, now approaching exa-op/s (billion billion operations per second) level, as well as to ultra-low-energy and single-chip systems. I will also offer predictions for what to expect in the 2020s and beyond.