IEEE Region 6 Awards Categories with Descriptions

Region 6 has a variety awards to recognize IEEE members, Sections, Chapters, Student Branches and Companies.
Nominations are made thorough your Section to the Region Area Awards Chairs.

Nominee Requirements:

All nominations are submitted through the Sections.
Nominees and nominators must be active IEEE members and a member of the Section making the nomination.
In Sections without an awards chair, the Section Chair or Area Chair is the default awards chair.
No late submissions.
For the latest information, see the Region 6 website.

1.  Outstanding Engineer Award

To recognize IEEE members of Region 6 who through their technical abilities have made outstanding contributions to their profession. It recognizes the development of new technical concepts, significant patents, development of new devices, development of applications, new designs, significant cost reductions using known techniques, etc.

2.  Outstanding Leadership and Professional Service Award

To recognize IEEE members of Region 6 who through their professional and technical abilities have made outstanding and noteworthy contributions to the Institute, their communities, fellow professionals and fellow man. The award is not designed to recognize a single achievement, but rather collective contributions complemented by singular works exemplifying the objectives and attributes of IEEE.

3.  Outstanding Large and Small Section Awards

To recognize the outstanding work of a large IEEE Section and a small IEEE Section based on its success in carrying out the objectives of IEEE through the implementation of Section programs. In this evaluation, recognition will be given to the successful maintenance of ongoing efforts designed to sustain the basic core activity of the Section and its components as well as recognizing innovative and creative efforts to develop and implement new programs or new entities such as Chapters and Subsections among others.

large section = 501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year.
small section = 500 or less members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year.

4.  Outstanding Large and Small Student Branch Award

The Award is designed to recognize the outstanding work of a large IEEE Student Branch and a small IEEE Student Branch based on its success in carrying out the objectives of IEEE through the implementation of programs. In this evaluation, recognition will be given to the successful maintenance of ongoing efforts designed to sustain the basic core activity of the student branch and its components as well as recognizing innovative and creative efforts to develop and implement new programs.

large student branch = 26 or more student members as of 31 December of the prior year.
small student branch = 25 or less student members as of 31 December of the prior year”

5.  Outstanding Educator Award

To honor IEEE members and current University or pre-University classroom teachers who have inspired an appreciation and understanding of Mathematics, Science and Technology and the engineering process in students, and who have encouraged students to pursue technical careers. Involvement with pre-university initiatives including class visits, Future City, TISP, SMART, MATH COUNTS, First programs, Science Olympiad, etc or university branches, etc.

6.  Outstanding Chapter Award

  1. A minimum of 9 meetings per year
  2. A webpage that is updated at least monthly so all information is correct and up to date
  3. A growing membership.  It does not matter if there are 15 members or 1000. What matters is that it is growing, and not shrinking.
  4. A positive balance in their bank account. It does not matter if it is $250 or $50,000 as long as they have enough to sustain all of their expenses and meetings on their own without asking the Section for financial aid. Many chapters get companies to sponsor their food in exchange for a table at the meetings.
  5. A high quality annual report to their Section Excom.
  6. Organizing an annual conference or educational day is a plus.

7.  Outstanding Engineering Manager Award

To honor IEEE members and current engineering managers who have successfully lead their organizations to significant contributions to research, development, or technology utilizing an appreciation and understanding of Mathematics, Science and Technology and the engineering process in product development.  Have been instrumental in building employee’s technical careers as evidenced by employee recognitions received.  Have influenced university and STEM education by direct interaction or indirect influence, including class visits, participation on industrial advisory boards, ABET panels, etc. students, and who have encouraged students to pursue technical careers. Involvement with university and pre-university initiatives including class visits, IEEE, Future City, TISP, SMART, MATH COUNTS, First programs, Science Olympiad, etc.

8.  Outstanding Pre-University School Award

To honor pre-university public and private schools which have created and actively support programs that have inspired an appreciation and understanding of Mathematics, Science and Technology and the engineering process in students thereby encouraging students to pursue technical careers. Involvement with pre-university initiatives including class visits, Future City, TISP, SMART, MATH COUNTS, First programs, Science Olympiad, etc or university branches, etc.

Directors Special Awards Program

Nominations are to be sent directly to the R6 Director or R6 Awards Chair.

1.  Director’s Special Award (Maximum of 4 Awards per year)

This Award is presented to an individual or group who volunteered or served with distinction as determined by the Region 6 Director. A maximum of 4 Director’s Special Awards may be awarded in a year.

2.  Outstanding Large and Small Company Awards

(a) Contributions to Engineering and Engineering Professionalism

To recognize Companies who actively promotes IEEE membership, supports IEEE members by paying dues, hosts section and/or chapter events, promotes engineering outreach initiatives, creates relationships or collaborates with other engineering entities and organizations to promote engineering initiatives, provides information to political decision makes about engineering and technical issues that impact the public or the engineering profession

(b) Innovative Contributions to Advancing Technology

To recognize public or private entities that have demonstrated significant community involvement by applying intellectual leadership and technical expertise to the improvement of the community.  Community activities and corporate outreach initiatives should also be designed to engage the entities engineering and technical staff.  Selection criteria can include, but is not limited to: Involvement with pre-university initiatives including class visits, Future City, TISP, etc, Involvement and commitments to nonprofit organizations through donations (in-kind or cash), volunteer service, board service, etc, Addressing community Needs and Solutions, Building partnerships and collaborations with other entities, Community Mobilization to address immediate issues such as natural disasters or major community events, Community impact, Innovation, Ongoing Involvement

(c)  Innovative Contributions to Humanitarian Technology

To recognize public or private entities that have demonstrated significant involvement in humanitarian activities by applying intellectual leadership and technical expertise to impact the quality of life for peoples or geographic areas in the world.  Humanitarian activities need identification and corporate outreach initiatives should also be designed to engage the organizations engineering and technical staff. Selection criteria can include, but is not limited to: Involvement with humanitarian initiatives including analysis or localized or region needs, Involvement and commitments to nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s) through donations (in-kind or cash), volunteer service, projects, etc to address needs and solutions, Supports the development of research and projects that addresses identified humanitarian needs, Building partnerships and collaborations with other entities, Mobilization of corporate or engineering assets to address immediate issues such as natural disasters or major community needs, Demonstrated ongoing involvement in humanitarian activities

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