2022 Boise Section Officer Election results

The election results are in. The 2022 officers are:

Chair – Randy Rannow
Vice Chair – Nader Rafla
Secretary – Patrick Miesen
Treasurer – Sean Collison

Thank you so much to our current officers for everything they’ve done for the section this year and congratulations to our new officers who have stepped up to volunteer in 2022. And of course, a huge thank you to everyone who voted.

Upcoming Events in our Section

  • 3rd IEEE Workshop on Interconnections of Renewables & Energy Storage to Electric Grids, Dec 10, 2021, Noon to 4PM MST. Cosponsored by Boise Power & Energy Society chapter. See https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/288543 for details.
  • TRAST, Preventive Measures for Real-World Reliability, Dec 16, 2021, 7PM MST. Cosponsored by Boise Power & Energy Society and Boise Computer Society chapters. See

Recordings Available from Recent Events

Announcement from BSU’s Electrical and Computer Engineering department

Retirement plans are creating some exciting space for new faculty in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boise State.  In fact, we’re seeking to fill a variety of instructional roles, including multiple tenure-track, clinical, and adjunct appointments for spring 2022 and beyond.

We are interested in attracting two tenure-track Assistant Professors who care about teaching effectiveness and who are engaged in professional service. We’re also seeking an outstanding Clinical Assistant Professor with a commitment to excellence in teaching to support a new BS in Computer Systems Engineering launched in fall 2021.

Learn more and apply online

From the Chair (Randy Rannow, pi-boson@ieee.org)

Thank you for your membership in IEEE. You are receiving this newsletter because you are a member of the IEEE-Boise section. Previous newsletters are on our section web site at https://site.ieee.org/boise/archive/ .

Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IEEEBoise .

Find out about more upcoming IEEE events at these links:

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Future Newsletters

If you have a topic you’d like to suggest or an article you’d like to contribute to a future newsletter, please send it to Chris Gunning at cgunning@ieee.org . Thank you!