In the 24-hour IEEEXtreme programming competition that was held on October 22-23, 2021, the Nighthawks from NNU took first place in the Boise section and 8th place among the 20 teams in Region 6 (Western USA) that participated. They were excited to learn they earned an expense-paid trip to IEEE Rising Stars in January, sponsored by the IEEE-Boise section.

The PIGS (Poor International Graduate Students) of BSU took 14th place in Region 6. They met every challenge head on, even a fire alarm that interrupted them in the middle of the night during the competition.

The CrossCoders of NNU doubled down on the challenge and competed on the road while returning from a cross-country meet in Seattle. They reported they were able to solve the examples for some of the tasks but not the test cases, but they had a good time despite having a late start and an unreliable internet connection.

Congratulations to all the teams! And a huge thank you to the volunteers who gave up their time this weekend to proctor, provide tech support, and in general help make this possible.

Nighthawks (NNU)
PIGS (Poor International Graduate Students) (BSU)
CrossCoders (NNU)

Here are the unofficial results today for the Region 6 teams. There were over 2600 teams that participated worldwide.