BSU Cyber-Physical Systems Security Forum on Nov. 30th
You are invited to the upcoming event organized by Boise State University:
Join us for a Cyber-Physical Systems Security Forum at Boise State University on November 30. This FREE interactive forum is designed to promote discussion on the cyber-physical security risks, threats, and challenges organizations face. To help frame the discussion, we have invited industry leaders to share their experiences in implementing, managing, enforcing, and assessing cyber-physical systems security controls.
The forum begins with an optional breakfast networking session at 8:30 AM and College of Engineering Dean JoAnn Lighty will kick things off at 9 AM. We will conclude the event with a luncheon and roundtable discussion where your input will help shape our cyber-physical security curricula. Check out the agenda online for more detail.
We encourage you to invite others from your organization who may also be interested. Seats are limited, so register by November 26 to secure your spot.