(Youtube playlist)

We are glad to inform you that the IEEE GRSS Bangalore Section, NITK IEEE GRSS Student Branch Chapter, NITK IEEE Student Branch, and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Karnataka,  Surathkal are jointly organizing a five-day online summer workshop on “Recent Algorithms for Remote Sensing Applications” (RARSA-2022) during July 12-16, 2022.

Important Information:

  • Registration Link: https://forms.gle/z34VZQN8WNKNaFGq9
  • Last Date for Registration: July 09, 2022
  • Flyer (pdf)
  • Eligibility Criteria: (a) Students at all levels (Ph.D./M.Tech./M.Sc./B.Tech.- 3rd Year); (b) Faculty members from academia; (c) Engineers and researchers from industry organizations including R&D laboratories.

Objectives of the workshop:

  • Exposing participants to the fundamentals of remote sensing image processing and analysis.
  • Building in confidence and capability amongst the participants in the application of remote sensing
  • image processing and analysis using deep learning algorithms.
  • Providing exposure to practical problems and their solutions, through case studies in the remote sensing applications.
  • Enhancing the capability of the participants to identify new applications of remote sensing image processing and analysis using deep learning algorithms.

Overview of the workshop:

Remote sensing can be defined as the collection of data about an object from a distance. Humans and many other types of animals accomplish this task with aid of eyes or by the sense of smell or hearing. Geographers use the technique of remote sensing to monitor or measure phenomena found in the Earth’s lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Remote sensing of the environment by geographers is usually done with the help of mechanical devices known as remote sensors. These gadgets have a greatly improved ability to receive and record information about an object without any physical contact. Often, these sensors are positioned away from the object of interest by using helicopters, planes, and satellites. Most sensing devices record information about an object by measuring an object’s transmission of electromagnetic energy from reflecting and radiating surfaces.

Remote sensing imagery has many applications in mapping land-use and cover, agriculture, soils
mapping, forestry, city planning, archaeological investigations, military observation, and geomorphological surveying, among other uses. For example, foresters use aerial photographs for preparing forest cover maps, locating possible access roads, and measuring quantities of trees harvested. Specialized photography using color infrared film has also been used to detect disease and insect damage in forest trees. The simplest form of remote sensing uses photographic cameras to record information from visible or near infrared wavelengths. In the late 1800s, cameras were positioned above the Earth’s surface in balloons or kites to take oblique aerial photographs of the landscape. During World War I, aerial photography played an important role in gathering information about the position and movements of enemy troops. These photographs were often taken from airplanes. After the war, civilian use of aerial photography from airplanes began with the systematic vertical imaging of large areas of Canada, the United States, and Europe. Many of these images were used to construct topographic and other types of reference maps of the natural and human-made features found on the Earth’s surface.

Many recent algorithms offer the many potential applications in the field of remotes sensing data processing and analysis. One such potential for effective and efficient classification of remotely sensed imagery. The strengths of recent algorithms include the capacity to handle data of high dimensionality and to map classes with very complex characteristics. Nevertheless, implementing a recent algorithms for classification are not straightforward, and the literature provides conflicting advice regarding many key issues.

The proposed summer workshop presents recent algorithms for remote sensing applications. It also
highlights many real applications of remote sensing and contains sessions for the participants who may not have a strong background in the field. The purpose of the 5 days summer workshop is to provide an intensive understanding of how to use the recent algorithms like as deep learning algorithms and to equip the participants with software tools for solving the practical problems in remote sensing domain.


01July 12, 202209:30-11:00Introduction and Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in
Remote Sensing —
by Dr. Shyam Lal, NITK Surathkal
02July 12, 202211:15-12:45Fundamental of Image Processing Concepts for Remote Sensing —
by Dr. Nagajothi Kannan, NRSC (ISRO), Bangalore
03July 13, 202209:30-11:00Introduction and Mathematical Understanding of Artificial Neural Networks —
by Dr. Jeny Rajan, NITK Surathkal
04July 13, 202211:15-12:45Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Applications for Forest Biodiversity and Ecology —
Dr. Sudhakar Reddy, NRSC (ISRO), Hyderabad
05July 14, 202209:30-11:00Introduction and Mathematical Understanding of 2D CNN Models with Applications —
by Dr. Jeny Rajan, NITK Surathkal
06July 14, 202211:15-12:45Recent Algorithms for Analysis of High-Resolution Data (Satellite, Aerial, UAV, and LiDAR) —
by Nalini J., NRSC (ISRO), Hyderabad
07July 15, 202209:30-11:00Building of 2D VGG16 CNN Model for Classification of Remote Sensing Images Using Python —
by Dr. Shyam Lal, NITK Surathkal
08July 15, 202211:15-12:45Advance Remote Sensing Techniques for Water Resources Application —
by Dr. Chandrashekar K., NRSC (ISRO), Hyderabad
09July 16, 202209:30-11:00Deep Learning Algorithms for High Resolution Remote Data Analysis —
by Dr. Rama Rao N., IIST Thiruvananthapuram
10July 16, 202211:15-12:45Advance Remote Sensing Tools and Techniques for Disaster Management —
by Dr. Arijit Roy, IIRS (ISRO), Dehradun


Workshop CoordinatorsDr. Shyam Lal,
Vice Chair, IEEE GRSS Bangalore Chapter and
Founding Faculty Advisor, NITK IEEE GRSS Student Branch Chapter,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, NITK Surathkal.
Tel: +91-824-2473522, Mob: +91-9741072082 (Whatsapp); email: shyamfec@nitk.edu.in (For any inquiry, contact workshop coordinator)

Raghavendra B. S.,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, NITK Surathkal.

Dr. Shwetha H. R.,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, NITK Surathkal.
Student volunteers1. Mr. Basavaraju K. S., Chair, NITK IEEE GRSS Student Branch Chapter (SBC)
2. Mr. Vasala Saicharan, Vice-Chair, NITK IEEE GRSS SBC
3. Ms. Vibha K., Member, NITK IEEE GRSS SBC
4. Ms. Salma Shaik, Member, NITK, IEEE GRSS SBC
5. Mr. Bonthu Sandeep Reddy, Member, NITK, IEEE GRSS SBC.
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