*** IGARSS 2020 Going Virtuaal ***
2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
September 26 – October 2, 2020 • Virtual Symposium
As the COVID-19 pandemic causes global travel challenges and restrictions, a new format of IGARSS has been created and it comprises several major changes in the organization, schedule, events. A definitely new conference experience!. It will be a completely online and virtual event.
Updated due dates
- Full paper submission: June 19, 2020
- Author registration: June 11, 2020 – July 15, 2020
- New – registration fee for virtual participants/attendees:
- For presenting author: 120 USD/paper
- For non-presenting attendees (non-authors): 10 USD
- New – 5-min video recording of paper presentation: June 19, 2020 – July 10, 2020
- Videos posted for on-demand viewing and Q&A submissions: September 21, 2020
- IGARSS 2020: September 26, 2020 – Octobre 2, 2020 (Tutorials Sept 26-27; Sessions: Sept 28-Oct 2)
- The final Technical Program including: new formats of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Exhibits, and TIE events, will be posted on the Symposium website by July 31, 2020.
- Authors all around the world can attend remotely and simultaneously at a convenient time (2 –6:30 PM CEST)
- Same result: Presented papers will be published in IEEEXplore Certificates of attendancewill be provided.
More details are provided in:
*** 2nd Edition: BEST PHD THESIS AWARD 2019 ***
The IEEE GRSS Algeria Chapter is organizing a contest to offer recognition to the best PhD thesis defended during January 2018 – May 2019 in GRS related fields by young Algerian
PhD students. The recognition will be a certificate delivered by the IEEE GRSS Algeria Chapter which will have as a title “IEEE GRSS Algeria Chapter Best PhD Thesis Award”.
Therefore, candidates are invited to submit their PhD manuscript along with an abstract of the PhD work (~4-5 pages either in English or French) detailing the context of the PhD work,
main contributions and achievements. The award committee will be composed of active members in GRS related fields.
The three best ranked Algerian students will concur, with the best ranked students from France and Benelux, for the “IEEE GRSS Joint Chapters Best PhD Thesis Award”. The
committee will award the best PhD based on the quality, novelty and contributions of the work. Three prizes of $1000, $750 and $500, accompany the award.
Download: Call for condidatures – Algeria Chapter
The three IEEE GRSS Chapters (France, Algeria and Benelux) are organizing a contest to offer recognition to the best PhD thesis defended during January 2018 – May 2019 in GRS related fields by young PhD students. The recognition will be a certificate delivered by each local IEEE GRSS Chapter which will have as a title “IEEE GRSS Joint Chapter Best PhD Thesis Award”. Therefore, candidates are invited to submit their PhD manuscript along with an abstract of the PhD work (~4-5 pages either in English or French) detailing the context of the PhD work, main contributions and achievements. The award committee will be composed of members belonging to the IEEE GRSS Chapters.
The three best ranked students from the three countries will concur for the “IEEE GRSS Joint Chapters Best PhD Thesis Award”. The committee will award the best PhD based on the quality, novelty and contributions of the work. Three prizes of $1000, $750 and $500, accompany the award.
Download: Call for condidatures – Joint Chapters
**** Geoscience and Remote Sensing Summer School – AGR3S 2019 ****
6th to 11th July, 2019, at the Ziane Achour University in Djelfa, Algeria
Hosted by both “Exploration & evaluation of Steppic Ecosystems” and ” Development in Mechanics & Materials ” Laboratories and the IEEE GRSS Algeria, The third edition of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Summer School – AGR3S 2019 – will be held from 6th to 11th July, 2019, at the Ziane Achour University in Djelfa, Algeria.
The AGR3S 2019 will host highly recognized experts and lecturers, their main focus will be on geoscience and remote sensing and their applications in different scopes:
- Sattelite imagery
- Land-cover & Land-use
- Environmental assessment
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Water resources
- Forestry
- Urbanization
- Risk management (salinity, desertification, floods…etc)
Ph.D. Students, Researchers, and Specialists are very welcome to participate in this event.
For any request, suggestion or information please contact us on agr3s19@gmail.com
Do not hesitate to broadcast this information around you.
Download: AGR3S2019 CFP
*************** M2GARSS 2020 ****************
Please find attached the preliminary CFP of the upcoming regional IEEE GRSS symposium: IEEE M2GARSS 2020.
Hosted by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IEEE GRSS), the Mediterranean and Middle-East (M2) Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium 2020 (M2GARSS 2020) will be held from March 9th to March 11th, 2020 in Tunis, Tunisia.
This event will be the first M2 regional symposium of the IEEE GRSS and will contribute to gather M2 and world-class scientists, engineers and educators engaged in the fields of geoscience, remote sensing and related topics.
Authors who wish to give a presentation are requested to submit a paper/abstract (minimum of 2 pages; maximum of 4 pages). A link to submit the paper online will soon be available at the Symposium website (online at the beginning of 2019).
M2GARSS will have the same standard as IGARSS, the IEEE GRSS flagship Symposium, in terms of scientific quality and organization, and with lower registration fees (between 100$ and 300$, including buffet lunches and coffee breaks).
Block your agenda and stay tuned!
Do not hesitate to broadcast this information around you.
Download: M2GARSS-Preliminary CFP
*************** Fellowships 2018 ****************
Big Data Processing and Analysis (BigPro):
A project financed by the within the Program “SCAMBI GIOVANILI”
Call for Candidatures
BigPro is a mobility project open for PhD students interested in a research experience of 3 months, among which at least 1 month to be spent at the University of Trento, in order to acquire advanced skills in the elaboration and analysis of so-called ‘big data’ by means of artificial intelligence instruments, with a particular focus on data coming from satellite acquisitions for environmental monitoring, from biomedical devices or from industrial processes for decision support systems. The activities will consist in the development of mini-research projects at the Department of Engineering and Information Science of the University of Trento. They will also provide the opportunity for students to take courses offered by the Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the University of Trento, in particular those related to the area of innovation and entrepreneurship. Travel, accommodation and allowance are completely covered by BigPro.
Additional information are provided below:
- Number of open positions: 3
- Mobility period: October 1st, 2018 – February 28, 2019
- Participation requirement: being regularly registered in a PhD program
- Application documentations: curriculum vitae with list of publications and possibly exams passed within the PhD program, max 3-page description of the mini-research project envisioned in the mobility, support letter from Advisor
- Candidature submission deadline: August 15th, 2018
- Outcome of selection: Beginning of September 2018
- Contact Person : Prof. Boularbah Souissi, Chair of the scientific selection committee in Algeria (USTHB, b.souissi@yahoo.com)
- Contact person in Italy: Prof. Farid Melgani, General chair (University of Trento, melgani@disi.unitn.it)
Download: Call For Candidatures BigPro-Algeria
***************Summer School 2018***************
2nd Algerian Geoscience and Remote Sensing Summer School (AGR3S’18)
Centre des Techniques Spatiales (CTS)/Agence Spatiale Algerienne
Arzew, Oran, Algeria
8-12 July 2018
Co-hosted by the Centre des Techniques Spatiales (CTS)/Agence Spatiale Algérienne (ASAL) and the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing (GRSS) Algeria Chapter, the 2nd Algerian Geoscience and Remote Sensing Summer School (2nd AGR3S 2018) will be held from 8 to 12 July 2018 (5 days), at the CTS in Arzew, Algeria. During this school, the following topics will be considered: Algerian Earth Observation Program and its products and thematic applications, Pattern Recognition / Machine Learning / Deep Learning in Remote Sensing, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, and Radar Remote Sensing
Objectves: The 2nd AGR3S 2018 will offer an opportunity to highlight the Algerian Earth Observation Program (handled by the ASAL and its operational entities) and its products and thematic applications. Also, this school will offer a great occasion to gain an education, at the most Algerian research center in geoscience and remote sensing (GRS) fields, in a wide range of advanced GRS signal and image processing techniques and their applications.
- Call For the Partcipation (CPF): Final-CfP-AGR3S-2018
- Lecturers of the school : Lecturers of the 2nd AGR3S 2018
- Partcipation template : Participation Form AGR3S 2018
Links :
Asal web site: http://www.asal.dz/agr3s18.html
IEEE vTools Events: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/171305
News : Best Poster Awards “Payment of the IEEE-GRSS Student membership”
Best Poster Award will be given for the best poster presentation. Posters are judged by members of the School Board and consideration is given to scientific rigour, contribution to the field, relevance to the geoscience and remote sensing theme.
************Best PhD Thesis Award 2018***********
IEEE GRSS Best PhD Thesis Award
The IEEE GRSS Algeria Chapter is organizing a contest to offer recognition to the best PhD thesis defended during 2017-2018 in Geoscience and Remote Sensing related fields by young Algerian students. The recognition will be a certificate delivered by the IEEE GRSS Chapter during the summer school AGR3S 2018 in CTS/Arzew which will have as a title “IEEE GRSS Algeria Chapter Best PhD Thesis Award”. Therefore, candidates are invited to submit their PhD manuscript along with an abstract of the PhD work (~4-5 pages either in English or French) detailing the context of the PhD work, main contributions and achievements. The award committee will be composed of members belonging to the GRSS Algeria Chapter.
The best ranked students from Algeria, France, Benelux, Tunisia and Morocco will concur for the “IEEE GRSS Joint Chapter Best PhD Thesis Award”. The committee will award the best PhD based on the quality, novelty and contributions of the work. The award will consist in i) a certificate and ii) a financial support covering the registration fee to IGARSS 2018. The winner of the contest will receive the IEEE GRSS Best PhD Thesis Award at a social event at IGARSS 2018 such as the Young Professionals Luncheon. Finally, a special issue will be devoted to invited contributions from awarded participants to the contest based on their PhD thesis work.
April June 2018: Deadline for the submission of the PhD manuscripts and the abstracts which should be addressed to all jury members of the IEEE GRSS Algeria chapter :
1. Dr. Boularbah Souissi (President) : b.souissi@yahoo.com
2. Dr. Moussa Sofiane Karoui: Sofiane.Karoui@irap.omp.eu
3. Dr. Daamouche Abdelhamid: ahdaamouche@yahoo.com
4. Pr. Salim Chitroub : schitroub@yahoo.fr
5. Dr. Miloud Chikr El Mezouar : chikrelmezouar@gmail.com
6. Pr. Nesreddine Taleb : ne_taleb@yahoo.com
May 2018: Deadline for the submission of ranked from the 5 countries candidatures for IEEE GRSS Joint Chapter
June 2018: Communication of the results to the participants
July 2018: Award ceremony at IGARSS 2018 in Spain
Download: IEEE GRSS Best PhD Thesis
Link: News
News: The 2nd selection has been concelled and reported by the Joint chapter chair (Prof. Mauro Dalla Mura, French Chapter Chair)
First Selection: The best ranked students from Algeria:
- F.Z. Benhallouche
- S. Mazari
- K. Hasni
- M.E.A Arabi
- M. Iftene
News: These winners will receive the IEEE GRSS Algeria chapter Best PhD Thesis Award during the summer school AGR3s 2018 in CTS, Arzew, Oran, Algeria (Summer School AGR3S 2018)
News (July 8th, 2018): Photo taken during the suimmer school AGR3S 2018 for the 05 winners of the PhD thesis award

From left to right : H. Mahi(CNTS Director) , Dr. B. Souissi (Chair of the GRSS Algeria Chapter), Dr. M. Dalla Mura (Chapnet Chair, France) and Award-wining doctors : S. Mazari, F.Z. Benhalouche, H. Kamel, M. E. A. Arabi, M. Iftene