The IEEE Robotics and Control chapter and the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Manitoba identified two papers to help students and young academics improve their skills.
Successfully Presenting Your Research at Conferences and Competitions
Your research, as groundbreaking as it might be, heavily relies upon its presentation. This guide will give you a few pointers on what you can do to successfully present research papers and posters at conferences and competitions. All negative stereotypes commonly associated with engineering have become obsolete. Modern engineers are expected to develop advanced social, communication, presentation, and leadership.
A. Perez, “Successfully Presenting Your Research at Conferences and Competitions”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, September 2010, pp. 13-16.
Surviving the Review Process
The purpose of this article is to provide some insight into the peer-review process used by many technical journals and to give a bit of advice about revision and resubmission of a paper that was not accepted after the first round of reviews. For young authors, the review process can be mysterious and frustrating. Criticisms conveyed in anonymous reviews may feel like personal attacks, while terse or vague comments may seem to provide little guidance for revision. This article provides a set of practical guidelines that can help you succeed in publishing good research. This includes a brief overview of the review process, as well as some hints about interpreting reviews, and suggestions for preparing a response to the reviews. The opinions below have evolved over several years, through numerous interactions with authors, reviewers, and members of editorial boards. They are meant only to convey practical hints for success and not as value judgments about the process. Finally, they represent only one viewpoint. Newcomers to the process would do well to solicit the advice and opinions of a variety of senior researchers.
S. Hutchinson, “Surviving the Review Process”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, December 2010, pp. 101, 103-104.