Charles Rubenstein
Charles Rubenstein has an earned doctorate in bioengineering (Polytechnic Institute of New York) and master’s in library and information science (Pratt Institute). He has received many IEEE honors for his IEEE service including the Robert S. Walleigh Distinguished Professionalism Award, an IEEE-USA Citation of Honor, Centennial Outstanding Young Engineer and Third Millennium Medals, and an IEEE Regional Activities Board Innovation Award.
He is currently a member of IEEE’s Educational Activities Board, Chairs the IEEE-USA Conferences Committee, is Secretary of the Region 1 Board of Governors and a Member-Emeritus of the Technology and Engineering Management Society AdCom. He is also Chair or Treasurer of several of IEEE’s conferences and a member of the IEEE Conferences Committee.
He was 2010-2011 IEEE Director and Region 1 Chair (NE USA) and has also served as a member of the Publications Products and Services Board, Member and Geographic Activities Board, Technical Activities Board, and United States Activities Board.