IEEE GRSS China Student Chapter Meeting (CSCM) 2024 was first held in Wuhan
Chengxi Han, Haonan Guo, Meiqi Hu, Xiaolei Qin, Jiao Pan, Jiepan Li
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) China Student Chapter Meeting 2024 took place from March 29th to 30th, 2024, at the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS) of Wuhan University. Led by Chengxi Han, from the IEEE GRSS Wuhan Student Branch Chapter, this gathering attracted representatives from various IEEE GRSS student chapters across China. Among the esteemed participants were Dr. Tianlin Wang, Chair of the IEEE GRSS Chapter Committee; Ms Wen Yan, representing the IEEE Beijing Office; Dr. Fuyou Tian, serving as the IEEE GRSS R10 Chapter Coordinator; representatives from student chapters in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Harbin, and beyond; as well as renowned academic organizations such as GeoScience Cafe from Wuhan University. The meeting garnered strong support from IEEE GRSS AdCom members such as Professor Jun Li, Professor Feng Xu, and Professor Hanwen Yu, as well as the Chair of the Wuhan Chapter, Professor Tao Chen, and the Chair of the Harbin Chapter, Professor Bin Zou. The aim of the meeting was to enhance communication and collaboration among IEEE GRSS student chapters in China and to elevate the service standards and community influence of IEEE GRSS in academic research and participation in international conferences.

Figure. 1 2024 IEEE GRSS China Student Chapter Meeting
Initially, the chairs of the IEEE GRSS student chapters, including Zihao Ma from Harbin, Tian Wang (acting chair) from Beijing, Li Rui from Shanghai, Bao Zhu from Chengdu, and Chengxi Han from Wuhan, took the stage to present a comprehensive overview of their respective chapters. The presentations encompassed an array of information, highlighting the number of GRSS members, academic exchange activities conducted, as well as the chapters’ participation in IEEE GRSS conferences and publications. This initial segment provided a robust understanding of the diverse activities and accomplishments of each chapter.

Figure. 2 Introduction to the Basic Situation of the IEEE GRSS Student Chapters in Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Wuhan by Their Respective Chairs |
Later, representatives embarked on deliberations centred on the theme of “Harnessing the Collective Strength of IEEE GRSS and Diverse Chapters to Bolster IEEE GRSS’s Services and Impact.” The participants exchanged valuable insights and their successful practices in organizing academic activities while exploring innovative methods for optimizing resource allocation and identifying collaboration opportunities. The consensus was that enhancing internal cooperation and fostering connections with external resources could significantly enhance academic exchanges, research innovation, and community service.
Discussions also encompassed plans for future collaborations, encompassing the organization of academic events, competitions, and community service projects. Additionally, there was a strong emphasis on strengthening collaboration with international IEEE GRSS chapters. During the meeting, IEEE GRSS student chapters engaged in profound discussions with the academic organization at Wuhan University, namely GeoScience Cafe, culminating in the emergence of preliminary cooperation intentions.

Figure.3 Delegates from Each Chapter Engage in Lively Discussions
Dr. Tianlin Wang, the Chair of the IEEE GRSS Chapter Committee, expressed profound commendation for the meeting. He exhorted participants to actively engage with senior IEEE GRSS members and harness the strengths of every chapter, thereby boost collaboration on academic exchange, competitions, and community services. This effort aims to foster stronger communication and cooperation with IEEE GRSS, ultimately propelling the advancement of geoscience and remote sensing. Meanwhile, Ms. Wen Yan, representing the IEEE Beijing Office, also acknowledged the contributions of the meeting towards the advancement of geoscience and remote sensing. She emphasized the invaluable learning and exchange opportunities IEEE GRSS provided to students, fostering their growth and development in the field.

Figure. 4 Dr. Tianlin Wang and Ms. Yan Wen Participate in the Thematic Discussion
Finally, Chengxi Han, the Global Student Chapter Coordinator of IEEE GRSS, presented certificates to all the representatives who attended the China Student Chapter Meeting. This event served as a catalyst for establishing a tighter cooperation platform among IEEE GRSS student chapters in China, fostering academic exchange and collaboration, and affording young scholars in geoscience and remote sensing with broader horizons for development.

Figure. 5 IEEE GRSS Wuhan Student Branch Chapter Presents Certificates to the Attendees
After the meeting, IEEE GRSS student chapters escorted representatives on an enlightening tour of Wuhan University’s State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, along with its Education Base for Surveying and Remote Sensing Spirit. These esteemed facilities served as a vivid exhibition of the discipline’s history, emphasizing the scientific spirit and continuously pushing forward the boundaries of innovation.

Figure. 6 Visit to the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing and the Wuhan University’s Education Base for Surveying and Remote Sensing Spirit
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) China Student Chapter Meeting concluded successfully, providing a tighter cooperation platform for the IEEE GRSS student chapters in China. Through in-depth exchanges and collaborations with representatives from different regions and academic backgrounds, each IEEE GRSS student chapter will actively promote future cooperation plans and activities, collectively advancing the development of the IEEE GRSS student chapters in China and providing young scholars in geoscience and remote sensing with broader development opportunities.
Under the guidance of Professor Liangpei Zhang, IEEE Fellow, the GRSS Wuhan Student Branch Chapter is chaired by Chengxi Han, Ph.D. student at Wuhan University. The vice chairs comprise Ph.D. students Haonan Guo, Meiqi Hu, Xiaolei Qin, and Jiepan Li from Wuhan University, along with Jiao Pan from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). This chapter is steadfastly committed to fostering cutting-edge academic exchanges and sharing platforms for postgraduate students. The chapter has collaboratively organized several academic conferences, invited illustrious alumni to impart their wisdom, and was awarded the IEEE GRSS 2022 Student Chapter Excellence Award. Their WeChat account is IEEE GRSS Wuhan. Its WeChat group has garnered the attention of over 300 postgraduate students from various universities in Wuhan. Looking ahead, the chapter aims to organize more academic activities and anticipates the enthusiastic participation of all. Together, they strive to promote the growth and development of the IEEE GRSS student chapters in China, fostering a vibrant academic community.
The organizers would like to thank IEEE GRSS for the support under the strategic project ‘Chapter Officer Regional Summit Travel Fund’.
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