Society Chapters

EMC Chapter

The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society is the world’s largest organization dedicated to the development and distribution of information, tools and techniques for reducing electromagnetic interference.  The West Michigan Section has a very active EMC chapter which hosts monthly meetings on technical topics.  The chapter’s webpage is: EMC Chapter.

Power & Energy + Power Electronics Joint Societies Chapter

The PES/PELS joint society chapter is active in exploring technologies related to power, energy, and power electronics.

Computer & Robotics Joint Societies

The CS/RA joint society chapter is active in exploring technologies related to Computer Science and Robotics.

Affinity Groups

Consultants’ Network

The West Michigan Section Consultants Network (CN) has an active affinity group for persons interested in serving as consultants.  The group meets regularly with presentations on a variety of topics related to the needs of consultants.  The group’s website is:

Life Member Affinity Group

This group provides opportunities for IEEE life members (LMAG) to socialize and to help out in service projects for the community.

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