Call for Papers

The Call for Paper is available for download HERE.

Areas of Particular Interest

Full-length Research Papers (6 pages) and Poster abstracts (3 pages) are sought that address solution to problems in all areas of wireless sensing and communication in space and extreme environments related to spaceflight, including but not limited to the following:

  • Active and passive wireless sensors, systems, and networks
  • Delay and disruption tolerant networks
  • Network architectures, middleware integration, and data management
  • Big data processing and data fusion techniques
  • Wireless privacy, security and routing techniques
  • Localization, detection, classification & tracking methods
  • Antenna design and processing
  • Integrated vehicle systems and robotics
  • RFID devices and systems
  • Propagation modeling and channel description
  • Optical communication systems
  • Availability, certification, and spaceflight qualification for wireless devices and systems
  • Multi-carrier systems, spread spectrum techniques, cognitive radio networks, emerging technologies
  • High speed, low latency, multi-stream data techniques (full-duplex, LTE, MIMO)

Special Sessions and Tutorials

Proposals for tutorials and special sessions should provide a 200 word summary. For special sessions, additionally, please include the details of the invited papers.