Technical Meeting Committee: Responsible for organizing the monthly technical meetings. Duties may include:
Networking with industry professionals for interest on delivering a presentation at a technical meeting,
Coordinating the presentation material with presenters,
Providing the Advertisement and Membership committee promotional material for technical meeting including biography and abstract, and
Addressing any issues with venue.
Advertisement and Membership Committee: Advertisement and Membership Committee: Responsible for providing advertisement support to other Winnipeg PES and create programs that target new graduates or graduating students. Duties may include:
Establishing communication channels between Winnipeg IEEE PES and new graduates or young professionals,
Attending career symposiums to promote IEEE PES
Requesting and storing all promotional items for IEEE PES, and
Maintaining the website content.
Outstanding Award Committee: Responsible for facilitating the recognition of outstanding engineers in our community. Duties may include:
Developing award criteria and selection process,
Requesting a plaque from IEEE PES with customized awardee achievement, and
Select and award outstanding engineer in community with both IEEE and PES membership.