IEEE Winnipeg PES Chapter Core Officers 2024

Onyi Nzimako

Vice Chair
Arunprasanth Sakthivel

Deepika Kalluri

Yilin Wang

Saleh Ebrahimi


Technical Meeting Committee: Responsible for organizing the monthly technical meetings. Duties may include:

  • Networking with industry professionals for interest on delivering a presentation at a technical meeting,
  • Coordinating the presentation material with presenters,
  • Providing the Advertisement and Membership committee promotional material for technical meeting including biography and abstract, and
  • Addressing any issues with venue.

Advertisement and Membership Committee: Advertisement and Membership Committee: Responsible for providing advertisement support to other Winnipeg PES and create programs that target new graduates or graduating students. Duties may include:

  • Establishing communication channels between Winnipeg IEEE PES and new graduates or young professionals,
  • Attending career symposiums to promote IEEE PES
  • Requesting and storing all promotional items for IEEE PES, and
  • Maintaining the website content.

Outstanding Award Committee: Responsible for facilitating the recognition of outstanding engineers in our community. Duties may include:

  • Developing award criteria and selection process,
  • Requesting a plaque from IEEE PES with customized awardee achievement, and
  • Select and award outstanding engineer in community with both IEEE and PES membership.


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