Our Mission
Is to inspire, encourage and empower women globally by creating opportunities through inclusivity in diversity to enable a change in the tomorrows’ contemporary work practise and academic culture to be welcoming to one and all.
Our Team
Chair: Aneesha Sethi is a third-year postgraduate research student in the Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group (CPS) at the University of Southampton. Her doctoral research is based on Effectiveness of Cyber-Security Visualisation under the supervision of Dr. Gary Wills. She is currently University of Southampton’s IEEE Women-in-Engineering Officer for this year and an active committee member in the University of Southampton Students’ Union Postgraduate Committee for the past two years. She is an active supporter of EDI initiatives and was nominated for WiSET award for University of Southampton for 2018. Recently she won the bid to host and chair IEEE Women-In-Engineering International Leadership Summit in Southampton for August 2018. Contact Aneesha : (Aneesha.Sethi@soton.ac.uk)
Co-Chair: Senta Scholl is a first-year postgraduate researcher in the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton. Within her research project, she is developing sensor systems for aerospace. She is currently chairing the IEEE Student Branch, is participating as the first year student representative in the Optics and Photonics Society (OPSoc) and is the vice chair for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit in Southampton in August 2018. Senta: “I would like to give a special thanks to the ORC and WISet for their great support” Contact Senta: (S.Scholl@soton.ac.uk)
Treasurer: Iris Kramer is a second-year postgraduate research student in the Vision, Learning and Control Research Group (VLC) at the University of Southampton. In her doctoral research she explores the Potential to Use of Deep Learning for the Detection of Archaeological Sites from Multiple Remote Sensors. She is currently the Events Officer for the University of Southampton Students’ Union Postgraduate Committee for which her efforts were recently rewarded with the Excellence in Volunteering Award for best newcomer. Iris is the finance chair for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit in Southampton, August 2018. Contact Iris : (i.kramer@soton.ac.uk).
Industry Liaison Chair: Ghaithaa Manla is the Industry Liaison Chair of IEEE WIE ILS Southampton 2018 .Ghaithaa Manla is Impactech Manager for the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering at the University of Southampton. Her role is to enhance the relationship between industry and academia to maximise the impact of research on our society and thus the economy. She strongly believes that having a healthy and strong relationship between these separate worlds will ensure that scientific discoveries and technological developments are accessible to the end users who can then further exploit the technology into new products and services. She is the current Co-ordinator of Theano. A group setup at the University of Southampton to support female students in engineering, science and technology. Contact Ghaithaa: (gm504@soton.ac.uk)
Programme Chair: Kasia Grabska is a third-year postgraduate research student in the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton. Within her research project, she is a part of the Silicon Photonics Group. She is currently participating as a diversity officer in the Optics and Photonics Society (OPSoc) and is the Program chair for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit in Southampton in August 2018. Contact Kasia: (k.m.grabska@soton.ac.uk)
Programme Chair:Wahida Taskin Bhuiyan is a first year Post Graduate Research student in Mechatronics Research Group in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment here at the University of Southampton. Her PhD research involves developing a droplet microfluidics-based chemical sensor for continuous monitoring of biomarkers. She has been actively involved with IEEE and has been the Vice Chair and later the Branch Counselor for IEEE North South University Student Branch, Bangladesh. Wahida is also an elected Central Council Member of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). She is currently the program co-chair for the IEEE Women In Engineering International Leadership Summit to be held in Southampton in August 2018. Contact Wahida: (wtb1g14@soton.ac.uk)
Secretary: Maria Angelica Hernandez Colin is a second-year postgraduate research student in the Electrical Power Engineering Research Group (EPE) at the University of Southampton. Her research project is focused on thermal risk estimation and management in offshore wind farm power cables in order to maximize the cable utilization. She is currently participating as the EPE PGR student representative, event organizer for the Mexican Student Community at the university and holds a committee position as secretary for the IEEE Women-In-Engineering International Leadership Summit in Southampton for August 2018. Contact Maria: (mahc1n14@soton.ac.uk)
Marketing & Publicity Officer: Hiranga Runage is a postgraduate MSc. Digital Marketing student at the University of Southampton. She is the student voice for MSc. Digital Marketing as the academic representative. Hiranga is a digital marketing intern at University of Southampton student union and also currently participating in a project about UX Journey with a European company-NN Insurance. She is a digital marketing blogger and has worked as a social media coordinator for several online magazines. At present, she is doing her dissertation research on the impact of e-WOM on Korean music industry. Hiranga is holding the position of marketing & publicity officer for IEEE Women-In-Engineering International Leadership Summit in Southampton for August 2018. Contact Hiranga: (hmr1n17@soton.ac.uk)
Marketing & Publicity Officer: Akshada Rawat is a MSc Digital Marketing student at the University of Southampton. She is the course representative of her course. She was also part of the Catalyst Challenge and the Business Innovation Programme. She is the Online Manager of Wessex Scene – the University Student Newspaper, where is wrote a number of articles for the website and the print magazine. Akshada is also a part of the marketing team of the Medicine department of Southampton General Hospital. Currently, she is doing her research paper on “How Social Media is affecting and influencing Trend Forecasting”. Akshada is the marketing and publicity officer for IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit in Southampton in August 2018. contact Akshada: (ar2g17@soton.ac.uk)
Branding Officer: Nikita Karra is a first-year postgraduate research student in the Biomedical Electronic Engineering Group at the University of Southampton. Her interdisciplinary research is focused on the ‘Organ on Chip’ technology, in particular the ‘Lung on Chip’ as a method of replacing current models used for drug development, as there is no cure and few new treatments for respiratory diseases, with mortality rates predicted to remain constant. Nikita is the branding officer for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit being held in Southampton in August 2018. Contact Nikita: (n.karra@soton.ac.uk)