Information for Authors

Key Deadlines

Paper submission deadline for papers 9/09/2015
Decision notification date 9/23/2015
Final Paper Announcement 10/07/2015


Prospective authors are invited to submit a two page (min) to six page (max) paper for consideration as lecture or poster presentation. Both lecture and poster submissions have the same value and presentation format is only chosen for suitability. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings subject to advance registration of at least one of the authors. Paper should identify the “Subject Area” and include information about the contact author (name, mailing address, phone, Fax,and email). Authors should obtain company and government clearances prior to submission of papers, IEEE release forms are required with the final camera ready paper.

All papers will be reviewed via the Program Committee. They will be judged with respect to their quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, conditional upon the author’s advance registration.

Submission is in electronic format via submit form.

Proceedings will be printed on US letter paper (8.5″ x 11″). Manuscript templates can be found here.

Papers should include information about the contact author (name, mailing address, phone, fax and email). Authors should obtain company and government clearances prior to submission of papers, IEEE Copyright forms are required with the final camera-ready paper.

Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings

If you chose to use MS Word or LaTeX, these templates incorporate the specifications for conference proceedings on US letter page size (8 1/2″ x 11″)

Microsoft Word 2000

Archive Contents (PDF, 63 KB))

LaTeX (Bibliography Files) *

US letter (DOC, 98 KB)

Unix (TAR.GZ, 655 KB)

Unix (TAR.GZ, 307 KB)

Windows (ZIP, 674 KB)

Windows (ZIP, 309 KB)

*Access IEEEtran LaTeX Class (template) V1.8 packages and IEEEtran V1.12 BibTeX (bibliography) packages. Be sure to use the template’s conference mode. See template documentation for details.

IEEE Copyright Form

All Papers must be accompanied by a signed IEEE Copyright form to be considered.

Download the IEEE Copyright form in Adobe PDF format.