WEBINAR: Robotics and Automation in Space: Advances and Challenges

Date & Time: 20 September 2023 (Wednesday), 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST

Speaker: A/Prof. Rini Akmeliawati, University of Adelaide

Abstract: This talk provides an overview of robotics and automation in Space, highlighting their advantages and challenges in the realm of space exploration and paving the way for establishment of sustainable human presence in space as well as long-term space missions.

Biography: Rini Akemeliawati is currently an associate professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Adelaide. She is a Fellow in Engineers Australia (FIEAust) and Senior Member of IEEE. Additionally, she is the coordinator of Robotics and Automation Research Group.

Location: Virtual

Host: IEEE Victorian Section Education Chapter

join here:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89363047727?pwd=RDVPV1QwbmVxTS90OFl1UkREbDJhZz09 

For more information, please contact Alan Harvey at Acupak00@hotmail.com