Please RSVP to chulhkim@ieee.org by close of business on Wednesday, October 2nd, so we can ensure adequate food and beverage prepara
High Power Density Dual Rotor Permanent Magnet Motor with Integrated Cooling and Drive for Aircraft Propulsion
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Joint Technical Seminar of Tallahassee IEEE PES Chapter, Tallahassee Life Member Affinity Group, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Integrated Zero Emi
RF Energy transfer and cryogenic thermal management technology developments at Sencera Energy
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Joint Technical Seminar of Tallahassee IEEE PES Chapter,
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, and
The Center for Advanced Power Systems
Title: R
AI-Enabled Technologies for People with Disabilities: Some Key Research and Privacy/Security Challenges
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Joint Technical Seminar of Tallahassee IEEE PES Chapter, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, and the Center for Advanced Power Systems
Title: AI-Enab
DC surface current and partial discharge experiments at highly stressed and polluted insulators
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Joint Technical Seminar of Tallahassee IEEE PES Chapter, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, and the Center for Advanced Power Systems
2023 Fall Graduate Student Presentation Awards
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Event: IEEE Section and PES Chapter Sponsored Graduate Student Presentation Awards
When: November 7, 2023, from 11 am to 1:30 pm
Attendees: Gra
Wide Bandgap Power Electronics for MultiPurpose Power Grid
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Oct 19, 3-4 pmAt HPMI2005 Levy Ave. Tallahassee, FL
Distinguished Seminar Series
Professor Longya XuProfessor (retired) & Founding director
Embedded operationalized intelligence and control for optimized and resilient energy systems
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Joint Technical Seminar of Tallahassee IEEE PES Chapter
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, and
The Center for Advanced Power Systems
Time: 15:
Estimation and control of underwater optical wireless communication systems
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Joint Technical Seminar of Tallahassee IEEE PES Chapter, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, and The Center for Advanced Power Systems
Title: Estimat
My Professional Journey!
Posted on by tallahassee-pes
Presenter: Dr. Manoj R. Shah
Time: 15:00 - 16:30, Monday, May 22, 2023
Location: Room 120, Center for Advanced Power Systems