On behalf of the IEEE joint VT/COM/IT Sweden Chapter Board, We are delighted to invite you to an IEEE Technical Seminar by Prof. Krishna Narayanan, Texas A&M University, US.
Time: Mon June 11, 2018, at 15:15-16:30
Location: Room E:2517, floor 2, E building, John Erikssons väg 4, Lund University, 223 63 Lund (Link to google maps)
Local host: Michael Lentmaier, michael.lentmaier@eit.lth.se
Title: Coding and Compressed sensing Inspired Massive Uncoordinated Multiple Access for Next-Generation Wireless Systems
Currently, there is significant interest in the design of multiple access schemes for large-scale wireless networks where coordination among users is difficult to acquire and maintain. This interest appears to be fueled by applications such as machine-to-machine communications, vehicular networks, Internet of Things, etc, which are all important components of 5G wireless. We are primarily interested in answering two questions in this talk – (i) how to design good random access protocols for such large-scale networks and (ii) What is the penalty due to the lack of coordination among users?
Traditional random access protocols such as slotted ALOHA suffer from a severe loss in throughput due to the lack of coordination (the throughput efficiency of slotted ALOHA is 37%). This inefficiency is primarily because collided packets are discarded in traditional slotted ALOHA. In this talk, we will show how to overcome this deficiency using ideas from coding theory and signal processing. We will first consider the collision channel and show that coded slotted ALOHA with iterative collision resolution is asymptotically optimal for the collision channel. For the uncoordinated Gaussian multiple access channel, we will show how to design computationally efficient uncoordinated multiple access schemes using ideas from coding theory (message passing, codes on graphs) and compressed sensing. These schemes provide the best performance among pragmatic multiple access schemes that are currently known for the Gaussian multiple access channel.
For any further questions, please contact the local host.
Krishna Narayanan received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1998. Since then, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University, where he is currently the Eric D. Rubin professor. His research interests are in coding theory, information theory, and signal processing with applications to wireless networks, data storage and data science. His current research interests are in the design of uncoordinated multiple access schemes and in exploring connections between sparse signal recovery and coding theory. He was the recipient of the NSF career award in 2001. He also received the 2006 best paper award from the IEEE technical committee for signal processing for data storage for his work on soft decision decoding of Reed Solomon codes. He currently serves as an Associate editor for the IT Transactions and also serves on the board of governors of the IT society. He is a fellow of the IEEE and he has won several awards within Texas A&M university including the 2018 university-level teaching award.