IEEE Technical Seminar by Prof. David Gesbert
On behalf of the IEEE joint VT/COM/IT Sweden Chapter Board, We are delighted to invite you to an IEEE Technical Seminar by Prof. David Gesbert, EURECOM, France.
Time: Mon Nov 19, 2018, at 14:30-15:30
Location: Room EDIT 3364, floor 3, EDIT building, Hörsalsvägen 11, Campus Johanneberg, Chalmers University of Technology, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden. (Link to google maps)
Local host: Tommy Svensson,
Title: Learning from the sky: Autonomous flying access networks for beyond 5G
The use of flying robots (drones) carrying radio transceiver equipment is the new promising frontier in our quest towards ever more flexible, adaptable and spectrally efficient wireless networks. Beyond obvious challenges within regulatory, control, navigation, and operational domains, the deployment of autonomous flying radio access network (Fly-RANs) also comes with a number of exciting new research problems such as the issue of autonomous real-time placement of the drones in a way that can guarantee user and network performance. We present several different scenarios of interest such as IoT monitoring and mobile broadband access. The approaches lie at the cross-roads between machine learning, signal processing and optimization. Some approaches exploit the reconstruction of 3D map from sampled radio measurements which can have application beyond the realm of communications. Early-stage practical realizations are demonstrated.
For any further questions, please contact the local host.
David Gesbert (IEEE Fellow) is Professor and Head of the Communication Systems Department, EURECOM. He obtained the Ph.D degree from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, France, in 1997. From 1997 to 1999 he has been with the Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford University. He was then a founding engineer of Iospan Wireless Inc, a Stanford spin off pioneering MIMO-OFDM (now Intel).
Before joining EURECOM in 2004, he has been with the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo as an adjunct professor. D. Gesbert has published about 270 papers and 25 patents, some of them winning the 2015 IEEE Best Tutorial Paper Award (Communications Society), 2012 SPS Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award, 2004 IEEE Best Tutorial Paper Award (Communications Society), 2005 Young Author Best Paper Award for Signal Proc. Society journals, and paper awards at conferences 2011 IEEE SPAWC, 2004 ACM MSWiM. He has been a Technical Program Co-chair for ICC2017. He was named a Thomson-Reuters Highly Cited Researchers in Computer Science.
David sits on the board of the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance and is also a visiting Academic Master within the Program 111 at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Since 2015, he holds the ERC Advanced grant “PERFUME” on the topic of smart device Communications in future wireless networks (