Workshop on Wireless Vehicular Communications 2018
On behalf of the IEEE VT Society and the joint IEEE VT/COM/IT Sweden Chapter Board, We are delighted to invite you to a one-day workshop on Wireless Vehicular Communications. The program includes speakers from Volvo Cars, Chalmers, Lund, Halmstad and Linköping University, as well as the invited talk “Why, what and where for ITS security” by Scott Cadzow, C3L, UK.
Date and Time: Nov 22, 2018, 09:30-16:15.
Location: Room Halda, Visionen, Halmstad University (House J at this map).
Host: CERES and ELLIIT, Halmstad University,
Please register at the workshop website no later than 16th November 2018. The workshop including lunch is free of charge.
09.00 – Registration and coffee
09.30 – Why, what and where for ITS security, Scott Cadzow, C3L (Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd)
11.00 – A Geometry-based Stochastic channel model for V2V intersection scenarios based on high-resolution measurements, Fredrik Tufvesson, Lund University
11.30 – Lunch
13.00 – Adjacent Channel Interference Aware Joint Scheduling and Power Control for V2V Broadcast Communication, Anver Hisham, Chalmers University of Technology
13.30 – ETSI DCC: What do we really control?, Nikita Lyamin, Halmstad University
14.00 – Vouch: A Secure Proof-of-Location Scheme for VANETs, Felipe Boeira, Linköping University
14.30 – Coffee
15.15 – Radar Communications: A solution for mitigating automotive radar interference, Canan Aydogdu, Chalmers University of Technology
15.45 – Update and Evaluate Vehicular Simulation Framework for LTE and 802.11p in OMNeT++, Argjent Haliti, Volvo Car Corporation
16.15 – Closing