Swe‐CTW 2018 and Best Student Journal/Conference Paper Awards
The 2018 Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop (Swe‐CTW 2018) will bring together researchers and research students in the general area of communication technologies and related areas.
The workshop provides an opportunity for researchers and research students to gather in a largely informal setting to share ideas, make contacts, and foster new collaborative links for the future. The workshop will feature tutorials, poster presentations of submitted abstracts, and invited talks by the top nominated papers for the IEEE VT/COM/IT Sweden Best Student Paper Awards.
Date and time: Jun 07-08, 2018
Location: Campus Valla, Linköping University, Linköping (Link to google maps)
Local host: Danyo Danev, danyo.danev@liu.se
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts for poster presentation: May 4, 2018
Notification of abstracts acceptance: May 10, 2018
Nominations for Best Student Journal/Conference Paper Awards: May 1, 2018
Registration deadline (for speaker and poster presenters): May 20, 2018
Please visit the Swe-CTW website for full information.