UNR Section
The Northern Nevada (UNR) Section of the IEEE Region 6 was founded on November 18, 1983. Since then the branch has been growing into what it is today. This last semester the Northern Nevada Section had highest percentage growth rate of all the IEEE Region 6 sections. The UNR Section has been active in planning events, attending conferences, and networking. Last year the Northern Nevada Section held workshops in ORCAD basics and soldering, as well as a series of Arduino workshops. The UNR Section has also attended the IEEE Rising Stars Conference and The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) the last couple years.

Region 6
As one of ten existing regions within IEEE, Region 6 was established in 1963 with the merging of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). The region’s 35 sections are split into five areas: Central (CA), Northeast (NEA), Northwest (NWA), Southern (SA), and Southwest (SWA).

To find out more about the history of the IEEE Organization as a whole follow this link.