Integration of Solar Photovoltaic to the Power Grid

Webinar on “Integration of Solar Photovoltaic to the Power Grid” which was organized by IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa was successfully held on the 13th of July 2020 with over more than 140 participants.

           Having noted the importance of awareness regarding Integration of solar Photovoltaic among the young brains, who are to take up the future of power and energy sector, the IEEE PES SBC UOM took a step forward to enlighten the enthusiastic undergraduates on the topic “Integration of Solar Photovoltaic to the Power Grid” through the webinar. This webinar was conducted by Pro. Udaya D. Annakkage, a professor at the University of Manitoba, Canada, and also a professional engineer in the province of Manitoba.

The webinar was held over a period of 1 hour via the Zoom platform. The session ended with a hearty thanks.

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