Welcome Address and Introduction by the Staff Advisor
The Staff Advisor welcomed the Guest Speaker – Dr. Chamith Wijenayake a Senior Lecturer from School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia, and all participants for the webinar session. He gave a brief introduction about Dr. Chamith Wijenayake including his key research areas, and regarding the focus of the webinar session.
Webinar Session
The session was conducted as an interactive session which covered the process of mapping DSP algorithms into a suitable FPGA architecture. Different implementation platforms were introduced and types of errors that can occur during implementation were also discussed with respect to non-recursive and recursive systems. The speaker continuously asked questions from the audience and they were given the chance to respond via an online poll to make the session very interactive and interesting, and the responses of the audience were discussed. Towards the end of the session, the audience was given the chance to ask questions and clarify subject matters presented by the speaker.