About the IEEE Communication Society of University of Moratuwa
The student branch of IEEE Communication Society of University of Moratuwa was established with the broad aim of enhancing students’ awareness and their contribution towards communication related affairs.
The field of Communication can be seen as the most dynamic and advancing Engineering sector in modern world. Communication directly evolves with all the other Engineering fields. So the main objective of the society is focused towards developing a platform to enrich and update the knowledge of student community while making sure they are ready to accept and adapt the revolutions yet to be emerged in the field of Communication.
IEEE Communication Society Mission Statement
The IEEE Communications Society promotes technological innovation and fosters creation and sharing of information among the global technical community. The Society provides services to members for their technical and professional advancement and forums for technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry, and public institutions.
IEEE Communication Society Vision Statement
To bring the world together in harmony through communications and networking technology research, application, education, and incubation of new ideas.