Advances in Deep Learning Webinar

Welcome Address and Introduction by the Staff Advisor of the society. 

The Staff Advisor welcomed the Guest Speaker – Dr. Sadeep Jayasumana a Senior Research  Scientist from Google Research, New York, and all participants for the webinar session. He  gave a brief introduction about Dr. Sadeep Jayasumana including his key research areas, and  regarding the focus of the webinar session. 

Webinar Session 

The session was conducted as an interactive session where an introduction to deep learning was given by the speaker, with implementation examples related to computer vision. Recent advances in convolutional neural networks, transformer networks, language models, deep reinforcement learning, and generative adversarial networks (GANs) were also briefly discussed in this session. Finally, tips on how to get started in this field were discussed towards the end of the session. The event consisted of a half an hour Q&A session, where the audience was given a valuable opportunity to ask questions and clarify subject matters presented by the speaker. 

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