IEEE Student Branch CU has celebrated IEEE DAY 2019 with great enthusiasm on 3 October 2019 at the University of Chittagong.
In the first hour, Dean of Engineering Faculty Professor Dr. Sankar Lal Saha started the ceremony by cutting the cake. Then he mentioned the progress of the IEEE Student Branch CU from the last year and wished good luck for the upcoming days.
Then the counselor of IEEE Student Branch CU Professor Dr. Mohammad Abdul Alim officially inaugurated IEEE DAY.
As a part of Celebrating IEEE DAY, IEEE Student Branch CU organized some events. The whole day event was divided into three segments, Short Quiz, Poster presentation, 3 Minute Idea Presentation. A noticeable number of participants were present with lots of enthusiasm.
A technical session titled “Why we should choose IEEE for publication” was conducted by Dr. Md. Fazlul Kader, Senior Member IEEE, Associate Editor IEEE Access and Associate Professor, Department of EEE, University of Chittagong. After the technical session Professor Dr. Mohammad Abdul Alim, Senior Member IEEE advised students to join IEEE to enhance their network and skill. He also mentioned how IEEE helps a student to be a strong professional and benefits and opportunities for the student branch members. The session was ended with a prize-giving ceremony. We cordially thank all the participants, judges,volunteers and faculty of the Engineering Faculty for their cooperation.