Welcome to the
University Of Chittagong
About Us
Welcome To IEEE Student Branch University Of Chittagong, IEEE Bangladesh Section, Region 10. This Student Branch Officially Started From September 29, 2017. The Branch Is Located At The Faculty Of Engineering In The Department Of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. IEEE SB CU Is Committed To Working For The Advancement Of Technology For The Betterment Of Our Country. As A Potential Student Branch In IEEE Bangladesh Section IEEE SB CU Aims To Organize Seminars, Workshops, Sessions, Competitions, Tutorials And Beliefs In Mutual Sharing Of Knowledge With Other Student Branches In Bangladesh To Contribute To World’s Advancement In Research And Technology. This Student Branch Will Provide Students From Different Streams A Good Platform To Nurture Their Knowledge Increasing; Confidence And Devotion To Work.
Why IEEE Student Branch University Of Chittagong?
We learn about new technologies covering many fields including designing various types of electronics, programming, robotics, etc. Along with that we also conduct different types of researches to help bring progress.
Not only does being an IEEE CU SB member provide you with networking opportunities and the correct exposure for the growth of your professional career, but it also allows you to meet diverse people and make friends.
Take part in the many beneficial contests organized and made accessible to the students by IEEE CU SB and boost expertise and experience that add plus points to your CV.
Skill Building
Earn new skills and polish existing ones from a wide range of options like content writing, social media management, graphic design, user interface design and web development.
IEEE CU SB arranges various workshops, industrial tours, seminars and competitions that not only offer a plethora of knowledge but also experiences that help build careers.
IEEE CU SB arranges various workshops, industrial tours, seminars, and competitions that not only offer a plethora of knowledge but also experiences that help build careers.