Ibrahim Ullah



Ibrahim Ullah has completed his Bachelor of Engineering Degree focused in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the University of Chittagong. Strong research professional with strong work ethics, mainly focused on Antenna Design, Machine learning, nanotechnology, and the formation of electronics and microwave devices.

Currently, he is doing Masters at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Engineering. He is also an active lab member of the Microwave and mm-wave frequency lab at the University of Chittagong.


  1. IEEE
  2. Chittagong University  Robotics and Innovation Club


  • CHAMPION in Project and Poster Showcasing,

EEE DAY 2020,

University Of Chittagong

  • RUNNERS UP in Matlab Contest,


Chittagong University Of Engineering and Technology(CUET)


  1. Ullah, M. I., M. A. Kaium Khan, R. Kabir and M. A. Alim, “High Performance 5G Microstrip Dipole Antennas for 39GHz Band,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Information, Communication & Systems (SPICSCON), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019, pp. 74-77, doi: 10.1109/SPICSCON48833.2019.9065160.

  2. Khan, M. A. K., Ullah, M. I., Kabir, R., & Alim, M. A. (2020). High-performance graphene patch antenna with superstrate cover for terahertz band application. Plasmonics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-020-01200-z

  3. Khan, M. A. K., Ullah, M. I., Shaem, T. A., Kabir, R., & Alim, M. A. (2019). Ultra high efficient 2×1 graphene patch antenna arrays for single and dual band operation, In 2019 1st international conference on advances in science, engineering and robotics technology (icasert). https://doi.org/1109/ICASERT.2010.19.8934472

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