IEEE Saudi Education Society Chapter is part of the IEEE Saudi Arabia Section and the IEEE Region-8 (Europe, Middle-East and Africa region). We are also part of the IEEE Gulf Education Society where other members include Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and UAE.

Our main objective is to promote a harmonious interaction between the Academy and the Industry in this part of the world by promoting the IEEE professional membership and participating in academic and industrial events.

In recognition of our contributions to the society and the IEEE activities, we were adjudged the Best Chapter during 2006 amongst all the chapters in Region-8.

I take this opportunity to invite you to join the IEEE Education Society Chapter and be a part of dynamic changes that our region’s educational environemnt will be embracing in the near futrue.

How to Join the Education Society Chapter:

First you have to join the IEEE.  It is easy and you can sign-up online by visiting

You can pay membership fee online by using all major credit cards.

If you do not have or do not want to use a credit card (why not? it is 128-bit secured), you can print out the applicatioin form, fill it and mail it to the IEEE as indicated on the form with a bank draft for the membership fee.

If you want to know more, please visit our Section Website at

Dr Bakr Hassan, Chair
IEEE Saudi Arabia Section

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