9th IEEE GCC Conference & Exhibition 2017
The 9th IEEE-GCC conference & Exhibition is jointly organized by the IEEE sections of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The conference will be held at Bahrain Gulf Conference and Exhibition center 6th to the 9th of May 2017. The conference provides a forum for discussion among professionals from industries, academia and research institutions.
The conference offers an excellent opportunity for scientists, innovators, and engineers to interact, share experiences and present their latest research with peers in a multidisciplinary engineering background. This conference also includes tutorials and workshops as well as an industrial exhibition. The tutorial sessions will be held on the first day of the conference. Special industrial track is also included. Moreover, this conference will feature an undergraduate student special session.
Paper submission is done through EDAS (http://edas.info/19583). All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Conference Proceedings. Please see “Call for Papers” for more info. Questions on the technical program, tutorial, and special sessions should be directed to the Technical Committee Chair (email: imelamin@kfupm.edu.sa).
For more information, please visit the Conference Website at: http://ieee-gcc.org