Tutorials – Monday, September 19, 2016
1) Husheng Li, Professor, University of Tennessee,
Email: hli31@utk.edu
Title: Interdependencies Between Communications and Control in Cyber Physical Systems: A Tutorial
Abstract: In the last decade, there have been substantial studies on cyber physical system (CPS). In CPS, there exist physical, computing and communication elements. For controlling the physical dynamics, sensors and controllers are connected via a communication network over which the measurement on the system state can be conveyed. Many systems can be categorized as CPSs, such as smart grids, unmanned aerial vehicles and robotic networks. The study on CPS can provide a comprehensive and inter-disciplinary framework for analyzing and designing these practical systems.
A particular important aspect of CPS is the interdependencies between its control and communications, which also means the interdependencies of the physical and cyber components of CPS. The understanding of the entanglement between control and communications has a substantial impact on the analysis and design of CPS. To that end, the following topics will be covered in the tutorial:
• Elements of CPS
• Basics of communications and control
• Impacts on communications on control system
• Communication capacity requirement for control in CPS
• Communication networking for control in CPS: network topology design, scheduling, routing
• Security and privacy in communications and control
• Applications in practical CPS such as smart grid
Intended audience: researchers, engineers, graduate students who are interested in CPS.
Speaker: Husheng Li, associate professor of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Bio: Husheng Li received the BS and MS degrees in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1998 and 2000, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, in 2005. From 2005 to 2007, he worked as a senior engineer at Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA. In 2007, he joined the EECS department of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, as an assistant professor. He is promoted to associate professor in 2013. His research is mainly focused on cyber physical systems, smart grid, wireless communications, networking, and information theory. Dr. Li is the recipient of the Best Paper Awards of EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networks, 2005, EURASIP Journal of Advances in Signal Processing 2015, IEEE ICC, 2011 and IEEE SmartGridComm 2012, and the Best Demo Award of IEEE Globecom, 2010.
2) Idin Motedayan-Aval, Senior Application Engineer, MathWorks,
Email: Idin.Motedayen-Aval@mathworks.com
Title: On the Road to 5G: MATLAB Modelling of LTE, WLAN, and MIMO antenna arrays
Research and development of 5G technology is well under way. New modulation schemes, MIMO configurations and frequency bands are all candidates to form part of the new generation of mobile communication systems. Flexible and capable simulation platforms are needed to model, assess and develop these candidate technologies.
In this tutorial, you will learn how MATLAB LTE, WLAN, and phased array antenna capabilities can be used to investigate the key evolving technologies that will form the core of 5G systems. Technical examples and customer case studies will be used to illustrate how MATLAB can be used to:
• Capture and analyse off the air LTE and WLAN signals
• Model and evaluate the performance of LTE and WLAN systems
• Study the effect of multi-antenna (MIMO) interference rejection algorithms
• Modify existing 4G systems to evaluate 5G candidate technology
LTE and WLAN simulation and analysis with MATLAB
• Signal generation & analysis
• End to end simulation
• Golden reference verification
• Signal information recovery
Modelling antenna arrays and multi-antenna systems
• Simulating and assessing phased array signal processing and beamforming
• Antenna array modeling and simulation, including RF impairments
• Interference suppression in LTE
• MIMO design and beamforming in LTE and WLAN systems
• LTE release 12 Carrier Aggregation
Working with live signals
Transmit, receive, and analyze over-the-air LTE and WLAN signals using MATLAB with SDR hardware
Evolving 4G to 5G
• Modifying existing 4G systems
• Modelling 5G candidate technologies
• Evaluating 5G vs. 4G performance
Idin Motedayen-Aval is a senior applications engineer at MathWorks in the Signal Processing and Communications group. He holds an MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a BS degree in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Massachusetts. His interests are in the general area of wireless communications, with past work concentrated on communication theory, coding, and joint data detection/channel estimation techniques. Currently he focuses on working with top-tier companies in the semiconductor and communication industries to help expand and optimize their use of MathWorks tools.
3) Miao Pan, Assistant Professor, University of Houston,
Email: miaopan.ufl@gmail.com
Title: Matching Theory and its Applications in Cognitive Radio Networks
Spectrum trading creates more accessing opportunities for secondary users (SUs), and economically benefits the primary users (PUs). Compared with centralized spectrum trading designs, e.g., spectrum auction, distributed spectrum trading better captures instantaneous spectrum trading opportunities over large geographical regions without incurring extra infrastructure deployment and control cost. However, existing distributed spectrum trading designs have limited concern about spectrum reuse. Considering spatial reuse, in this talk, I will present a novel distributed frequency reuse based opportunistic spectrum trading (D-FROST) scheme, which can further improve spectrum utilization, provide more accessing opportunities for SUs, and increase the revenues of PUs. In this study, we employ conflict graph to characterize the SUs’ co-channel and radio interference, and mathematically formulate a centralized PUs’ revenue maximization problem under multiple wireless transmission constraints. Due to the NP-hardness to solve the problem and no-existence of centralized trading entity, we develop the DFROST algorithms based on dynamic matching with evolving preferences, and prove its stability. Through simulations, we show that the D-FROST algorithm is superior to other distributed spectrum trading algorithms without considering spectrum reuse, yields results close to the centralized optimal one, and is effective in increasing PUs’ revenue and improving spectrum utilization. Besides, based on D-FROST, I will also discuss some privacy preserving issues of distributed spectrum trading.
Dr. Miao Pan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Houston. He was a recipient of NSF CAREER Award in 2014. Dr. Pan received Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Florida in August 2012. He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas Southern University from Fall 2012 to Spring 2015. Dr. Pan’s research interests include cognitive radio networks, cyber-physical systems, and cybersecurity. He has published 20 papers in prestigious journals including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, and over 50 papers in top conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM, ICDCS, and IEEE IPDPS. His work on cognitive radio network won Best Paper Award in Globecom 2015. Dr. Pan serves as a Technical Reviewer for many international journals and conferences. He has also been serving as a Technical Program Committee member of several top international conferences, e.g., IEEE INFOCOM 2014 – 2017. Dr. Pan is a member of IEEE and IEEE ComSoc.
4) Ashwin Ashok, Post-Doctoral to Assistant Professor, Georgia State University; and Wenjia Li, Assistant Professor, New York Institute of Technology
Email: ashwinashok193@gmail.com; wli20@nyit.edu
Title: Cloud Computing for Smart Transportation
1 Tutorial Scope and Intended Audience
Computing requirements for vehicular applications are increasing tremendously, particularly with the exploding interest in driver-safety enhancement applications and autonomous vehicles. With the increasing number of vehicles being connected to the Internet, vehicles can already be seen as a part of the Internet– of–Things paradigm. The large scale nature of such an IoT system can be effectively and efficiently assisted by cloud-computing infrastructures and platforms, which may otherwise not be possible to handle with resource-constrained in–vehicular or other mobile-computing infrastructures. Cloud computing can provide flexible computational resources and high-capacity storage for data streams while ensuring safety, security and privacy. Designing cloud-assisted vehicular systems will require rethinking the design of mobile software architectures, frameworks and techniques to efficiently distribute computing resources across elements such as devices, infrastructures and vehicles in the smart transportation framework.
The goal of this tutorial is to introduce to its audience the idea of cloud computing applied to the vehicular smart transportation systems. The tutorial will primarily discuss topics on cloud computing in the light of mobile computing systems, software architectures enabling a cloud computing system for vehicular use–case, and security and privacy issues in such systems.
The intended audience for this tutorial would be researchers and students who are generally interested in the areas of cloud computing, intelligent transportation systems and mobile computing. The tutorial will be developed from a system design point of view. In particular, a session in the tutorial would incorporate a short procedural example of designing a real cloud–enabled mobile system. The tutorial would be delivered from a beginner level perspective of the audience. However, some basic knowledge of mobile systems in the audience would be helpful but not mandatory.
2 Description of Topics
2.1 Vehicular Cyber–Physical Systems and Cloud computing
• Introduction to Smart Transportation
• Vehicles and the IoT paradigm
• Cloud computing basics
• Cloud based mobile computing: Cloud Offloading concepts
• Vehicular computing system
• Cloud based applications in vehicles
• System design challenges in vehicular cloud computing
• Candidate emerging technologies and concepts for vehicular cloud computing
2.2 Security and Privacy
• Security, trust and privacy aspects of IoT systems
• Security and Privacy challenges in vehicular networks
• Designing Secure Mobile computing architectures
2.3 Example System Design
Design of a cloud–based computer vision application for vehicular On–board Unit execution: Android mobile device + remote cloud server
3 Instructors Bio
Ashwin Ashok is currently an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science at Georgia State University where he leads research on mobile systems and Internet-of-Things. Prior to this he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in ECE at Carnegie Mellon University under the mentorship of Prof. Peter Steenkiste (CMU) and in collaboration with Dr. Fan Bai (GM Research). While affiliated to the CMU-GM Continuous and Autonomous Driving Collaborative Research Lab (CRL) at CMU he developed cloud-computing systems for vehicular applications. Ashwin completed his Ph.D. in Oct’2014 from Wireless Information Network Lab (WINLAB) at Rutgers University where he worked under the guidance of Profs. Marco Gruteser, Narayan Mandayam and Kristin Dana. His doctoral thesis developed a novel inter-disciplinary concept called visual MIMO that explores the use of cameras and other optical arrays as receivers in a communication system. Ashwin has interned at QualComm (NJ) for a summer working on QualComm’s LumiCast technology for visible light communication based indoor positioning. Ashwin is an experimentalist and has keen interests in system design and prototyping. He loves tinkering with circuits, Arduino and RaspberryPi.
Wenjia Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at New York Institute of Technology. He specializes in cyber security, computer networks, and mobile computing, especially security, trust, and privacy issues in wireless networks, cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as intelligent transportation systems, internet of things (IoT), and mobile social networks. In addition to teaching various graduate courses such as algorithms and programming languages, Li is also a very active researcher. He served in the organizing committee for various prestigious international conferences such as ACM WiSec 2015, IEEE Sarnoff 2015, IEEE IPCCC 2014, etc. He also served as program committee member for many well-famed international conferences including IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE WCNC, IEEE IPCCC, IEEE MDM, etc. Moreover, he reviews papers for many top-tier peer-reviewed journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), and IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS), etc. His research is supported by the US Department of Transportation (US DOT) Region 2 University Transportation Research Center (UTRC). Li is a member of ACM and IEEE. Prior to joining NYIT in 2014, he was a tenure-track assistant professor at Georgia Southern University, at a Doctoral and Research University by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2006), and at a public comprehensive university within the University System of Georgia (USG) between August 2011 and July 2014. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) in August 2011, and Masters degree in computer science and Bachelors degree in telecommunication engineering, both from Hunan University, China, in 2005 and 2002, respectively.
5) K. Raghunandan (RAGHU), New York City Transit; and Jose Martin, CEO, Power Trunk
Email: raghunandan@ieee.org
Title: Public Safety communications – traditional Vs LTE
Abstract of tutorial:
Public safety communications involve not only the first responders (police, fire, EMS) but also public transport agencies such as rail, bus, EMS services. These systems are unique in terms of communication between one to many. It also commonly uses the Push-To-Talk (PTT) technology widely deployed throughout the world. In recent years the cellular standards body has tried to address this aspect of communication using Rel.12 of 4G LTE. The traditional public safety standards of P25, TETRA and others continue to be deployed and operate well. What are the advantages and limitations of the traditional Vs the broadband approach offered by 4G LTE? This tutorial explores some of the options and provides an overview of both approaches.
Course work:
• Public safety – narrowband. Deployment and usage
• Needs of the first responder – why keep away from the cellular world?
• Country wide spectrum allocations and advantages of VHF and UHF
• What is the security process in standards – P25 Vs TETRA
• Why use cellular – what is its strength? What is the advantage of broadband?
• Can broadband provide the same level of reliability and unique features of PTT?
• Worldwide guidelines on public safety standards and usage
• Conclusion
Learning Outcomes (Objectives):
1. This course will give audience better understanding of differences between narrowband public safety and broadband usage
2. For network administrators – this course provides a view of how smart phones Vs traditional portables may be segmented. It helps them to configure networks and transition from analog to digital technologies.
3. This course provides the basics to develop highly secure phone applications (both portable and smart phone platforms); learning how application related security is separated from the network, is the key.
4. For network managers who plan network architecture – this course provides a better understanding on coverage, capacity and deployments for critical communications.
5. For project managers this course provides a better understanding on why public safety communication has remained separate from the commercially available wireless systems. Why governments around the world see the need for this separation and some unique needs.
Course Length: The course is of 3.5 hours duration in two continuous sessions (of 90 minutes each) with a 15 minute break between the two sessions. It meets the CEU requirements needed by those with PE license. There will be a short quiz at the end of each session (just before the break and another at the end of course).
Contact information: K. Raghunandan (RAGHU), 646-252-4524 (off) and 646-306-3481 (cell). Email: raghunandan@ieee.org
Jose Martin, 201 630 4520
K. Raghunandan: An industry acknowledged wireless expert – has presented papers and tutorials extensively in IEEE and other industry forums. Several new technology wireless networks in the NY metro area were designed and implemented by him. Evaluation of vendor products, pilot trials and deployment over the years has brought considerable experience, which he will share with the audience. In Bell labs he worked on development of cell phones, radio network products and testing them in the lab and field, he has an in depth view of real world performance. He led Radio Access Networks (RAN) team in the standards group 3GPP gaining insights on how a standards body ushers new wireless technologies. He holds bachelors, masters and research degrees in Electrical engineering and has over three decades of experience in industry, with a decade each in the aerospace, telecommunication and transportation industries, and currently works for New York City Transit.
Jose Martin: He is the CEO of Power Trunk, a subsidiary of Sepura UK. He holds a Master Engineer in Telecommunications (Madrid Technical University, 1987) with honors to his contributions to airborne real-time software in the European Space Agency program. Mr. Martin is a recognized land mobile radio industry pioneer. Since joining PowerTrunk’s parent company, Teltronic S.A.U., fourteen years ago, he led the company’s commercial expansion across the globe. For the last four years, in his role as Chief Operating Officer of PowerTrunk, Mr. Martin has spearheaded the acceptance of the TETRA standard by regulatory bodies in the United States and Canada, revolutionizing these land mobile radio markets. In addition Mr. Martin has been the driving force behind PowerTrunk’s trailblazing implementations of the first ever TETRA land mobile radio networks in both the United States and Canada.