

The Rock River Valley Section (RRVS) of the IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) actively promotes our profession within our community and supports growth and opportunity for working engineers.

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing innovation and technologicalexcellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe.

The IEEE RRVS Executive Committee pursues the following activities to accomplish these roles:


  •  Eight EMC Seminars (2012 throug 2019) have been sponsored by the IEEE RRVS.  These offer a low cost yet high quality opportunity for working engineers to further their skills.  These have been well attended and the feedback from attendees has been very positive.  The committee is actively preparing for the 2020 EMC Seminar
  • Monthly meetings with high quality speakers addressing a variety of topics ranging from power electronics to computer control.  In fact, our next topic, ‘Meeting Tight Software Schedules through Cycle Time Reduction’, will be presented by a speaker who is involved in developing the ‘Software Engineering Body of Knowledge’ (IEEE Computer Society).
  • Active involvement and support of educational opportunities for middle school to high school students as part of US First and First Lego League Robotics Teams.  Additional schools are being added as we partner with others to provide funding and mentors to increase visibility of the engineering profession
  • Networking for our members and leadership opportunities as members volunteer in various capacities to lead events, exchange ideas and to communicate ways to improve our careers as working engineers.
  • Active involvement and support of IEEE – Students Chapters – Northern Illinois University and Rock Valley College Activities

-Rakesh Vasudevan

2020 RRVS Chair

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