• Topic:  Facilitating Security and Trust among Multiple Parties through Blockchain Techniques
  • Speaker:  Yuhong Liu , Distinguished Speaker
  • When:  Thursday March 17,  2022
    • Note: Due to Coronavirus outbreak, this meeting is available only online. We will not be meeting face to face for next couple of months.


7:00pm – Webex Login

7:15pm – Announcements & Introductions

7:30pm – Presentation followed with Q&A

  • Location: Online using Webex
  • See RSVP page for Webex info

RSVP: https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/m/306822

For more details please see this month’s newsletter (see below)

Missed this meeting?

The meeting is recorded and available at: TBD

Please email RRV Section for passoword: ieeerrvs[at]ieee.org