January 2020 Section Meeting

  • Topic:  History of Automated Manufacturing in Rockford- Dixon Automatic Tool Company
  • Speaker: Paul Dixon, President of both Dixon Automatic Tool, Inc.
  • When:  Thursday January 23,  2020
    • Note: this meeting had been moved a week early due to speaker’s availability.
  • Agenda:
    6:00 PM Networking
    6:30PM Dinner
    7:15 PM Presentation
  • Location:
    Rock Valley College
    Woodward Technology Center
    Room: WTC 1308
    3301 North Mulford Road
    Rockford, IL 61114
  • RSVP:       Online Meeting Registration or email Diane diane.brock@utas.utc.com by 1:00 PM 1/23/2020
  • For more details please see the January 2020 Newsletter