YP FAQ – Enrollment

YP FAQ: It is a program organized by IEEE YP R9, which aims to provide tools for the development of young professionals recently graduated. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, it refers to a list of frequently asked questions and answers for a particular topic

How does it work? Each session will have a single section of questions from our participants to our guests, who are proficient or have experience in the topic addressed. Exhibitions will be avoided. If you cannot join the online session you can leave your questions at the bottom of the form, we will ask the questions and post the answers on our website (https://site.ieee.org/r9-yp/).

Topic 2: Tools to get a job: CV and Linkendin

Date: July 12, 2021, 06:30 pm (-5 GMT)

✅ Registration: https://forms.gle/kR8VAjpt8kp8ukTZ7