IEEE Sections Congress is a triennial gathering of Section leadership sponsored by the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board.
An event that includes four days of working sessions and networking, Sections Congress involves hundreds of delegates from all ten Regions. At Congress, they learn how to utilize the resources of IEEE to maximize their effectiveness as IEEE volunteer leaders. Workshop, panel, and tutorial sessions are held on topics of interest to the Sections.
Sections Congress is the one major meeting sponsored by IEEE that brings together the grassroots leadership of IEEE so that they can share ideas, concerns, and solutions.
The Congress is also a forum where the Section Chairs speak as the collective voice of IEEE members, expressing ideas about how IEEE can better serve its members, both now and going forward. The issues generated at Sections Congress have had a major impact on the plans made by the IEEE leadership for the future of IEEE.
Ottawa, Canada has been selected as the location for Section Congress 2020.