- IEEE RM9 – 2016– Logo
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Region 9 (R9 – Latin America and the Caribbean), Regional Meeting (RM) is an annual administrative meeting hosted within R9 by one of its 33 IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Sections. As one of these sections, the IEEE Trinidad and Tobago (IEEETT) Section has submitted a successful bid to host this prestigious event during 02-05 March 2016 at the Trinidad Hilton and Conference Centre. The 85 plus participants at this high-level, strategic meeting (RM2016) include the 33 IEEE MGA Regional Section Chairs, IEEE R9 Executive Committee Members and Council Chairs.
These participants represent influential and key decision making technocrats from the regional engineering fraternity including industry, government and academia as well as specially invited IEEE officers and guests. The IEEE R9 Executive Committee has selected Trinidad and Tobago as the RM2016 venue for the following reasons:
- RM2016 would be the first regional meeting to be held in Trinidad and Tobago.
- The IEEETT Section will commemorate its 10th Anniversary in November 2015 as a section and remains the only native English speaking section within R9.
- RM2016 would be the first meeting in R9 to be hosted in a fully English speaking environment.
Hosting an event as RM2016 is a significant accomplishment for any engineering professional society within CARICOM. This event can open prospective business opportunities in the emerging markets of Latin America while promoting Trinidad and Tobago as a venue for business tourism.
More information @ : Event – RM2016 – R9
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