IEEE Sections Congress 2023
The triennial gathering of Section leadership bringing together hundreds of delegates from all ten Regions...
IEEE Members Graduation Stoles
A celebration of your success by providing you with a stole. Entrega de estola en la…
2023 – Regional Meeting 9 (RM9), Ciudad de Panama, Panama.
2023 – Regional Meeting 9 (RM9), Ciudad de Panama, Panama. Dates: March 9 – 11,…
IEEE Puerto Rico & Caribbean Section wishes you a Happy Holiday!
IEEE Puerto Rico & Caribbean Section wishes you a Happy Holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for being a member of IEEE Puerto Rico & Caribbean Section
IEEE Puerto Rico Pesti Prominent Scholarship
IEEE Puerto Rico Pesti Prominent ScholarshipDeadline December 15, 2022.Awardees announcement December 22, 2022.APPLY NOW!
IEEE Students Inter-American University – 2022
Esperamos contar con una nueva rama estudiantil pronto. La universidad cuenta con estudiantes motivados que…
Announcing the location of Sections Congress 2023 – Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. City of Ottawa….
IEEE Sections Congress 2023
The triennial gathering of Section leadership bringing together hundreds of delegates from all ten Regions...
IEEE Members Graduation Stoles
A celebration of your success by providing you with a stole. Entrega de estola en la…
2023 – Regional Meeting 9 (RM9), Ciudad de Panama, Panama.
2023 – Regional Meeting 9 (RM9), Ciudad de Panama, Panama. Dates: March 9 – 11,…
IEEE Puerto Rico & Caribbean Section wishes you a Happy Holiday!
IEEE Puerto Rico & Caribbean Section wishes you a Happy Holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for being a member of IEEE Puerto Rico & Caribbean Section
IEEE Puerto Rico Pesti Prominent Scholarship
IEEE Puerto Rico Pesti Prominent ScholarshipDeadline December 15, 2022.Awardees announcement December 22, 2022.APPLY NOW!
IEEE Students Inter-American University – 2022
Esperamos contar con una nueva rama estudiantil pronto. La universidad cuenta con estudiantes motivados que…
Announcing the location of Sections Congress 2023 – Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. City of Ottawa….