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Lightning Transients Evaluation in Wind Farms

2023-12-13 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

uprzejmie zapraszamy na ostatnie w tym roku seminarium naukowe Sekcji IEEE DEIS ( Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation) Chapter Poland na którym w dniu 13.XII.2023 r. o godz. 13:30 Pan dr. Omid Homaee, Wrocław University of Technology, wygłosi referat:

Lightning Transients Evaluation in Wind Farms


Lightning is a natural phenomenon that can cause serious damage to power systems including wind farms, mainly due to the fact that wind turbines are tall structures.  In this presentation, key factors affecting the performance of the lightning protection systems will be discussed. A guidance will be presented on how to evaluate their effects.

prezentacja będzie prowadzona w  języku angielskim

the presentation will be conducted in English


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Identyfikator spotkania: 328 667 202 093

Kod dostępu: K2ykAU


1:30 pm - 2:30 pm


Odział DEIS