
Lista społeczności w Polskiej Sekcji IEEE

R800 (Region 8 - No Council)Type: Council
R8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa - Region 8)Type: RegionURL: http://www.ieeer8.org/
CH08109 (Poland Section Chapter,C16)Type: ChapterURL: https://webinabox.vtools.ieee.org/wibp_home/index/CH08109
CH08338 (Poland Section Chapter,MAG33)Type: Chapter
CH08353 (Poland Section Chapter,COM19)Type: ChapterURL: http://chapter-ieee.et.put.poznan.pl/
CH08184 (Poland Section Chapter,ED15)Type: Chapter
CH08383 (Poland Section Chapter,IM09)Type: Chapter
CH08078 (Poland Section Chapter,CAS04)Type: ChapterURL: http://www.et.put.poznan.pl/~zueps
CH08440 (Poland Section Chapter,C16 Gdansk)Type: ChapterURL: https://eti.pg.edu.pl/wspolpraca/chapter-c16-ieee-gdansk
CH08320 (Poland Section Chapter,RA24)Type: ChapterURL: https://r8.ieee.org/poland-ras/
CH08384 (Poland Section Chapter,SP01)Type: ChapterURL: https://site.ieee.org/poland-sps/
CH08443 (Poland Section Chapter,EMC27)Type: ChapterURL: http://www.ieee-emcs.org.pl/
CH10146 (Poland Section Chapter,IE13/PEL35)Type: Joint ChapterURL: http://ewh.ieee.org/r8/poland/iespels/
CH08297 (Poland Section Chapter,CS23)Type: Chapter
CH08420 (Poland Section Chapter,CIS11)Type: ChapterURL: http://kia-wizja.prz.edu.pl/ieee/
CH08070 (Poland Section, AP03/AES10/MTT17)Type: Joint ChapterURL: http://site.ieee.org/poland-apaemtt/
CH08092 (Poland Section Jt. Chapter,PE31/IA34)Type: Joint Chapter
CH08339 (Poland Section Chapter, PHO36)Type: Chapter
CH08756 (Poland Section Chapter, SSC37)Type: Chapter
YP80033 (Poland Section Affinity Group, YP)Type: AffinityURL: http://ieee.pl/yp
CH08788 (Poland Section Chapter, TEM14)Type: Chapter
WE80033 (Poland Section Affinity Group, WIE)Type: Affinity
STB17141 (West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin)Type: Student Branch
STB31701 (Opole University of Technology)Type: Student Branch
STB50501 (Warsaw University of Technology)Type: Student Branch
STB80051 (Poznan University Of Technology)Type: Student Branch
STB10631 (AGH University of Science and Technology)Type: Student Branch
CH08800 (Poland Section Chapter, DEI32)Type: ChapterURL: http://sites.ieee.org/poland-deis/
CH08816 (Poland Section Chapter, SMC28)Type: Chapter
STB10018 (Lublin University of Technology)Type: Student Branch
CH08836 (Poland Section Chapter, EMB18)Type: Chapter
STB10116 (University of Applied Sciences in Elblag)Type: Student Branch
STB11380 (Cracow University of Technology)Type: Student Branch
STB11384 (Silesian University of Technology)Type: Student Branch
STB11530 (University of Warsaw)Type: Student Branch
CH08880 (Poland Section Chapter,VT06)Type: ChapterURL: http://https://r8.ieee.org/poland-vts/
CH08514 (Poland Section Jt. Chapter,ED15/EP21)Type: Joint Chapter
LM80033 (Poland Section Affinity Group,LM)Type: AffinityURL: https://webinabox.vtools.ieee.org/wibp_home/index/LM80033
CH08927 (Poland Section Chapter,GRS29)Type: Chapter
SBC17141A (West Pomeranian Univ of Tech Szczecin, PE31)Type: Student Branch Chapter
SBA50501 (Warsaw University of Technology, WIE)Type: Affinity
SBC50501 (Warsaw University of Technology, IE13)Type: Student Branch Chapter
SBA11384 (Silesian University of Technology,WIE)Type: Affinity
SBC11384 (Silesian University of Technology,EMB18)Type: Student Branch Chapter
SBC11530 (University of Warsaw,PHO36)Type: Student Branch ChapterURL: http://knof.fuw.edu.pl