Standard |
Subcommittee |
Title |
1711-2010 |
S |
Trial-Use Standard for a Cryptographic Protocol for Cyber Security of Substation Serial Links |
P487a |
E |
Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communications Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations -- General Considerations Amendment: New Annex J- Guidance for Determining the Ground Potential Rise and Induced Voltages for the Design of Communications Installations at Electric Supply Locations |
P487.3a |
E |
Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations Through the Use of Hybrid Facilities Amendment: Inclusion of a New Copper to Fiber Junction (CFJ) Powering Option |
P643 |
C |
Guide for Power-Line Carrier Applications |
P820 |
E |
Standard Telephone Loop Performance Characteristics |
P1138 |
F |
Standard for Testing and Performance for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) for Use on Electric Utility Power Lines |
P1547.3 |
S |
Guide for Cybersecurity of Distributed Energy Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems |
P1591.1 |
F |
Standard for Testing and Performance of Hardware for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) |
P1591.3 |
F |
Standard for Qualifying Hardware for Helically-Applied Fiber Optic Cable Systems (WRAP Cable) |
P1591.4 |
F |
Standard for Testing and Performance of Hardware for Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Phase Conductor (OPPC) |
P1594 |
F |
Standard for Helically Applied Fiber Optic Cable Systems (WRAP Cable) for Use on Overhead Utility Lines |
P1595 |
F |
Standard for Testing and Performance for Optical Phase Conductor (OPPC) for Use on Electrical Utility Power Lines |
P1686 |
S |
Standard for Intelligent Electronic Devices Cyber Security Capabilities |
P1711 |
S |
Standard for a Cryptographic Protocol for Electric Power System (EPS) Communications Links |
P1711.1 |
S |
Standard for a Cryptographic Protocol for Cyber Security of Substation Serial Links: Substation Serial Protection Protocol |
P1815 |
P |
Standard for Electric Power Systems Communications-Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) |
P1815.2 |
P |
Standard Profile for Communications with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) using IEEE Std 1815 [Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3)] |
P2030 | P |
Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy Technology and Information Technology Operation with the Electric Power System (EPS), End-Use Applications, and Loads |
P2030.102.1 |
S |
Standard for Interoperability of Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) Utilized within Utility Control Systems |
P2658 |
S |
Guide for Cybersecurity Testing in Electric Power Systems |
P2664 |
P |
Standard for Streaming Telemetry Transport Protocol |
P2808 |
S |
Standard for Function Designations used in Electrical Power Systems for Cyber Services and Cybersecurity |
PC37.118.2 |
P* |
Standard for Synchrophasor Data Transfer for Power Systems |
PC37.236 |
P* |
Guide for Power System Protective Relay Applications Over Digital Communication Channels |
PC37.238a |
P |
Standard Profile for Use of IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol in Power System Applications Amendment 1: Adding a Type-Length-Value (TLV) to indicate the latest International Earth Rotation Service (IERS)-specified Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) Leap Second Event |
PC37.240 |
S |
Standard Cybersecurity Requirements for Power System Automation, Protection and Control Systems |
PC57.13.9 |
C |
Standard for Power-Line Carrier Coupling Capacitors and Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers |
PC93.5 |
C |
Standard for Power Line Carrier Transmitter/Receiver Equipment used to Transfer Discrete Teleprotection Signals |
367-1996 |
E |
Recommended Practice for Determining the Electric Power Station Ground Potential Rise and Induced Voltage from a Power Fault |
367-2012 |
E |
Recommended Practice for Determining the Electric Power Station Ground Potential Rise and Induced Voltage from a Power Fault |
487-2000 |
E |
Recommended Practice for the Protection of Wire-Line Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations |
487-2007 |
E |
Standard Telephone Loop Performance Characteristics |
487.1-2014 |
E |
Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations Through the Use of On-Grid Isolation Equipment |
487-2015 |
E |
Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communications Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations -- General Considerations |
776-1992 |
E |
Recommended Practice for Inductive Coordination of Electric Supply and Communication Lines |
776-2018 |
E |
Recommended Practice for Inductive Coordination of Electric Supply and Communication Lines |
820-2006 |
E |
Standard Telephone Loop Performance Characteristics |
1137-1991 |
E |
Guide for the Implementation of Inductive Coordination Mitigation Techniques and Application |
1137-2018 |
E |
Recommended Practice for the Implementation of Inductive Coordination Mitigation Techniques and Application |
1590-2003 |
F |
Recommended Practice for the Electrical Protection of Optical Fiber Communication Facilities Serving, or Connected to, Electrical Supply Locations |
1590-2009 |
F |
Recommended Practice for the Electrical Protection of Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations Using Optical Fiber Systems |